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Scuttle Problems

I recently acquired the georgetown pottery brush scuttle and am having some issues using it. I add hot water from my tap to the scuttle and soak my brush on the inside while showering. After that I pull my brush out and dump the water in the scuttle and refill with hot water. I proceed to face lather for my first pass and then put my loaded brush in the scuttle to keep my lather hot.

However, here comes the problem. For my 2nd pass when I pull my brush out and lather, while feeling great to have warm lather, my lather REALLY breaks down to watery thin. I don't have any water where the brush is and am quite confused over this. Needless to say, it doesn't work well.

I've experimented quite a bit progressively using less hot water to the point of just luke warm and every time my lather breaks down.

Any suggestions?


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
The way the scuttle is made, you wouldn't have water falling where your lather is... The only thing I can think of, you need more product when making your lather.
Typically its the water temp. But if cooler water hasn't helped is there too much water in the brush bowl? Maybe the grooves are retaining excess water when you dump it?
I recently acquired the georgetown pottery brush scuttle and am having some issues using it. I add hot water from my tap to the scuttle and soak my brush on the inside while showering. After that I pull my brush out and dump the water in the scuttle and refill with hot water. I proceed to face lather for my first pass and then put my loaded brush in the scuttle to keep my lather hot.

However, here comes the problem. For my 2nd pass when I pull my brush out and lather, while feeling great to have warm lather, my lather REALLY breaks down to watery thin. I don't have any water where the brush is and am quite confused over this. Needless to say, it doesn't work well.

I've experimented quite a bit progressively using less hot water to the point of just luke warm and every time my lather breaks down.

Any suggestions?
It seems like you have used to much pressure when applying 1st pass, this will cause the brush to pick up to much moisture for the 2nd pass, thus resulting in a watery lather. See Manic59 videos.
In my experience, lather usually breaks down if the water used in the outer bowl of the scuttle is too hot. It is a puzzler
I have the G20. When I first got it I filled it up, inside and out with hot tap water and showered. I then dumped it and refilled the inside. This caused my lather to dry out significantly. I then started just filling it up prior to the shower same as before, but after the shower just dumping the lather bowl and keeping the inside water the same. This has worked well for keeping my lather warm and usable.

Are you adding water to your face between passes? If you get the lather just right when face lathering and then have more moisture on your face for pass 2, you will thin out the lather.
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What kind of soap/cream are you using. With my scuttle, I have found that the lather from some soaps will break down when they get hot. Some are more resilient than others, but all seem to suffer a little bit. RazoRock artisan line, Haslinger and Cella seem to bear the heat pretty well though. I used Mike's for the first time today and loved it, but I simply face lathered it off the puck. I will be trying it in my scuttle tomorrow morning. I can't wait...


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it's my understanding and limited experience with Lanolin Soaps (as I don't use lanolin soaps any more) that they break down a bit with heat.

MW also seems to break down, although it does not contain lanolin, so I use warm water instead of HOT with this one.

Over the past couple months, I've used AOS Cream, QCS Cream & GFT Cream with absolutely no break down issues and use the hottest tap water available in a Dirty Bird Bowl scuttle. Lather stays warm right thru the end of my shave, but I always refresh it a bit with a few brush swirls in the scuttle between passes.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
I used to just whip it back up to lather if it broke down. Do you normally use a mug? If you usually face lather the mechanics are a bit different.
Different creams work better than others with the scuttles. I also have a G-20 and am experimenting with the heat thresholds of various creams. I think TOBS Avocado works pretty well. If your lather is breaking down with a lukewarm scuttle, it's probably time to find another cream for scuttle use. What were you using?
On the other hand, if you are face lathering, the brush tips are building the lather and there is too much water held in the knot. When you put the brush in the scuttle the water draws out thus over hydrating the lather.
Start with only soaking the brush two thirds from the tips, dust out excess water and then face lather.
From my experience, I have found the lather drys out when the water is too hot, not get wetter. Something else for you to experiment with.
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