Anyone wanna share a shaver? UV sterilising wouldn't even clean the hair out of the head.
I am one word away from speechless. That word being ewww!
Women aren't usually speechless, I'll help you out.......EEeewwwWW !!
Ummm, no thanks.
im in. i enjoy wiping 50 other peoples hair all over my face.
I guess that beats wiping fifty other peoples'....well, you get the idea.
Really, had it worked, electric toothbrushes for rent would have surely taken off.Gee, what a great idea! I wonder why it never took off.
Simple: To make a buck.I can't quite figure out what the designers were thinking. If they put a UV light in it, then clearly they knew illness was a problem. Yet if they knew illness was a problem, then why would they have even considered this design .