I read a thread on here that referenced a board member who had deals on sample size items. I can't seem to find the link but am in the market for some AS and as a newbie I think samples are in order! Anyone who can provide his info would be helping out the new "kid"
You are likely looking for Garry's sample shop. I recommend his TOBS sampler pack. Great way to try many different quality creams. http://sampleshop.blogspot.com/?m=0
I was just wondering about the mysterious sample sender myself. I was thinking about PMing a mod to ask who this Garry fellow was, but then lo and behold this thread that answered all of my questions!
Im actually thinking about picking up some of those 1/4 oz double walled things for samples to give people to try... as I am almost out of them from my Garry's sampler kit I bought. Anyone want to go in on a bulk order?