Dipped my white tortie Pelikan into Noodler's Legal Lapis, and it stained the section instantly. I tried water and a cleaner, but my precious pen is ruined.
Im so sorry for your loss, and my deep desire to see a picture, its just horrible of me
Can we have a pic? kind of an open casket type thing....
EDIT; James beat me too it.
i'm new to this NIB scene and have no idea what this means. Sorry for your loss nonetheless.Dipped my white tortie Pelikan into Noodler's Legal Lapis
Its not ruined, its just got character!
This story reminds me of the medical dramas on TV. Patient dies, and they are ready to call it, then...... NO........NO........NOT TODAY......YOU'RE NOT DYING ON ME TODAY.....
Congrats Vlad on bring your pen back from the dead