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Rooney brush instructions

I just got a gorgeous Rooney 2/1 Super (my first major brush purchase) and I'm really looking forward to my inaugural shave. However: on the little instructions card in the box there is the phrase "lather lightly without pressure." :001_huh: That's definitely not what I do, I like to scrub my face pretty well with the brush and I also press down pretty heavily while bowl lathering. Now I'm kind of paranoid and wondering if this isn't the cause of my shedding problems with my C&E brush. So is this "no pressure" business just a CYA thing on Rooney's part, or do I need to change my ways?
I've seen the same. But I lather like you do with my Beehive and haven't had a problem yet. No shed hairs and it seems to be holding up like a champ.
I have the 1/1, its about 2 years old. SCRUB AWAY. I don't see any fun in being gentle with these things. Dig in and enjoy it. Rooney is one of the finest houses and makers of brushes there is.
+1...I too have the Rooney 1/1 and it's a backbone monster. Lather away with abandon...no worries! :laugh:

I have the 1/1, its about 2 years old. SCRUB AWAY. I don't see any fun in being gentle with these things. Dig in and enjoy it. Rooney is one of the finest houses and makers of brushes there is.
I like to think about it this way, if my brush only lasts 10 years, it gives me an excuse to buy a replacement. I can't see the problem with buying new brushes :lol:
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