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Rooney 1/1 or Rooney Stubby Size 1?

Ok - I am going to shelve (or relegate to creams) my Dovo olive wood and get a Rooney.

I like the 1/1 silver tip in faux horn, but ...

The Stubby sounds like it might be a better soap brush with its shorter loft and "better" grade of hair.

Does anyone have experience with both? I know a lot of folks love the Rooney 1/1.

This will be a soap only brush for me.

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I use only soap and have a Rooney 1/1 in Super Silvertip. All I can say is that the brush is great, and I can't really see how much better the Stubby could be, although it is on my list if I ever come up with some money.

As it stands though, the 1/1 is the densest brush I have used, and it has (to me at least) a perfect blend of soft tips and scrubbiness. The fact that it is half the price of the stubby doesn't hurt either...
Can't go wrong either one. Only reason I got rid of my 1/1 super is that I had a chance to get a Stubby 1 Super. The 1/1 I had did fine with soaps. I haven't tried the Stubby with soaps yet. Both used with face lathering and that was fine. After all is said, I do prefer the Stubby because it is a bit smaller, but so far that is creams. I imagine, i'll have great results with soaps though.
I will sound like a salesman but my 1/1 is great, and if you get it from Truefitt & Hill with the BB member discount you save about 10 dollars which makes the brush a great deal. I use my brush for creams and soaps and face lather and the brush is awesome.
I thought my 3/1 Super was the bee's knees for soap and face lathering...UNTIL I got my 1/2 Finest. Of your choices though, the 1/1 is similar in size and loft to my 3/1, and it was great for soap/face in it's own right...stiff enough, soft enough, and makes great lather (I just had to go top-shelf with the finest, and I couldn't be happier...it's everything I liked about the 3/1, but on steroids). If I was spending your money, I wouldn't hesitate to go with the 1/1 Super.


Use the Fat, Luke!
I thought my 3/1 Super was the bee's knees for soap and face lathering...UNTIL I got my 1/2 Finest.

I would echo his sentiments and say that if you're going to spend enough for a Rooney in silvertip, you might as well go a little more expensive and get one in finest. It is amazingly densely packed, soft but with a ton of backbone.
I would echo his sentiments and say that if you're going to spend enough for a Rooney in silvertip, you might as well go a little more expensive and get one in finest. It is amazingly densely packed, soft but with a ton of backbone.

I myself am looking at a Finest. However, I would not go so far to say that it is a "little" more to venture that path. For example a 3/1 super at $75 is quite a bit more affordable than a $200 3/1 Finest. I'm just not convinced that the value is there, but I'll never know until I compare :biggrin1:
I myself am looking at a Finest. However, I would not go so far to say that it is a "little" more to venture that path. For example a 3/1 super at $75 is quite a bit more affordable than a $200 3/1 Finest. I'm just not convinced that the value is there, but I'll never know until I compare :biggrin1:

At $75 you can't go wrong with that brush at all, it's got everything you need. The finest is just so different from other brushes, the hairs are almost 'synthetic stiff but not' compared to 'naturally stiff/dense' of the super. The softness is 'soft and scrubby' compared to 'soft and velvety' of the super.

I personally like both the finest and super as they both have their characteristics. $200 isn't cheap for a brush but in terms of a usable, functional brush I think they're worth it as the performance is really high.
I have a 1/1 in finest, 3/1 in super, and stubby. I personally do not like the stubby because I face lather and find it to be a lather hog. I can make a ton of lather with it, but it requires alot of water, alot of product, and a bowl. The 3/1 is decent about giving up the lather, but isn't as firm as the finest hair. My 1/1 in finest has the stiffness that I like, scrubby feel, and shares the lather with me. My rank order would be a 1/1 or 3/1 in finest, then the Rooney super grade, then the Heritage. Best value winner, any Rooney in super. As always, just one opinion. :)
To think outside the box (and unfortunately plant another SBAD seed in your head)....the Simpson's "two-band" brushes are awesome. My tulip-2 is awesome (even though it is a recent Vulfix model) and is in a dead tie with my Rooney 1/1 in finest for my favorite brush. But the Tulip-2 can be had for about 60 bucks less than the Rooney. Just a thought and maybe a good compromise!


Use the Fat, Luke!
I was assuming you'd get a small size (1/1, 2/1, or 3/3). With those sizes the marginal difference between silvertip and finest is not so large.
The Rooney Heritage line is very, very firm. They are fine brushes, no doubt, but I personally prefer the standard Super line, since they release the lather a bit easier.

They're also about half the price (or less).


The Rooney Heritage line is very, very firm. They are fine brushes, no doubt, but I personally prefer the standard Super line, since they release the lather a bit easier.

They're also about half the price (or less).



Always good to hear from Yomuppet on Rooneys. He was my guru when I first started down the Rooney road and his advice is impeccable.
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