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Rolls Razor

i just got a Rolls Razor of ebay seems to be NOS. i have the feeling(and after reading the stuff it came with lol) that i should touch up my stop with a little stop paste. think i should and if so i can i use just some regual old stop paste?

I'm sorry what I ment to say was strop DRESSING. i feel like a jackass. lol
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A green strop paste (dressing) can be quite helpful on a rolls strop. You can usually pick up some Dovo green paste at any knife store. Keep in mind that this will stain the strop permanently. Stropping in the case of a rolls is a wonderful experience - and when the razor shaves you well it is absolutely exciting!!
ok i guess i REALLY dont know what im talking about then, lol or should have been more in depth. what i was meaning to get at was something to re soften the stop or condition it, it seems all dried out. but i dont know if adding this stuff can damaged it and make it peel off the back, i might pick up a nother rolls and use the Green paste on that, but seeing as how it was a NOS i kinda want to keep it original, thanks
Ah..the strop! My bad! :) The Dovo yellow stuff works pretty well and I'm sure any number of leather "conditioners" would be satisfactory. I have 5 or 6 Rolls now and just last weekend, went to a shoemaker and had him cut me some new premium leather to replace the strops of a few that were in pretty bad shape. The new leather works very well and I had 3 of them done for $20. Rolls are fairly cheap to come by...so pick up another one or two and mix & match as needed.
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