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roaduck meanderings

Only thing i quit at was sports. Smoking i tried for 2 months. Part of a payment i got for stocking cooler shelves for a conveniece store was cigarettes because the clerks would ask us "kids' to restock for them. I went no cigs to a half a pack a day. But nausea and other kids begging me for one almost all the time made me not want to do it.

I don't drink and i only take otc or prescription drugs.
Good for you - you're a sensible lad - nice one - sometimes I was not a sensible bloke on a vodka vibe or vino vibe - or sometimes a vodka and vino vibe - hence my restraint and massive curtailment now - better late than never as the say - lol !

I only used to drink on days ending with a "y" - well I'm Russian - they're exempt lol !

Upto quite recently beer wasn't classified as alcoholic there - not strong enough - apart from things like 26% proof Egyptian Special Brew Lager - which is lovely in the Sinai and Sahara desert BTW !
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Sorry if I've made you tired - I've had a tough life - Everest the Hard Way - Haha! you could not make my life up - truth is stranger than fiction - haha!

Wow - Thanks so much losing - as regards smoking - erm I've done it in the past - I can do it again.

I have a friend who has lung cancer - had half one lung removed in December and he is still smoking !
Another old mate has lung cancer and had radiotherapy - he's still smoking.
Another very close friend has chronic obstructive airway disease / emphysema - he's still at it.
The guy next door gave up smoking and got really big now he's really depressed - poor sod - I do my best to cheer him up.
Another neighbour cut down smoking - went on vapes - ate loads of chocolate got too fat - he's depressed.

Me, I want to build my stamina back up after nearly dying of covid so cigs will have to go out the window - last time I didn't get fatter because I swam more, danced more, rode my bike more, made love more, gardened more, did more Do it Yourself - didn't use patches, vapes or nicotine gum - felt horrid for a week - kept away from smokers - then I was fine lol.

Been drinking since I was eleven - now I don't go near alkies - have booze in the house and can drink normally but it took me 50 years to learn !

I lost my Mum, Dad, Sister, a girlfriend and my Fiance to drink - so I know the score.

So my motto is never give up trying - if you fail - you're only human - give it another go to quit and another etc - keep going until you sack the ciggies.

Good luck if you're quitting - losing.
David Lynch's death shocks smokers and makes them quit smoking: "It's just bad for us"

David Lynch's death shocks smokers and makes them quit smoking: "It's just bad for us"

I love David Lynch films - bless him in heaven - what a guy - I love auteurs and enfant terrible directors lol!
My teacher when I was eight years old was very clever she said "If God meant you to smoke he would have made a chimney on your head" and "Read a book - TV programs you and rots your brain and stops you exercising"

In 1973 - she was right !
I love David Lynch films - bless him in heaven - what a guy - I love auteurs and enfant terrible directors lol!
My teacher when I was eight years old was very clever she said "If God meant you to smoke he would have made a chimney on your head" and "Read a book - TV programs you and rots your brain and stops you exercising"

In 1973 - she was right !
Nowadays she would probably add Facebook and the rest from the social media gang to the TV.
Now that I've accrued fifty more razors in five months since landing here I can see a lot of similarities between them and a lot shave roughly the same (pun intended)

I don't want or need anymore; not at my age - in my condition lol.

I've got an Oud itch I can't scratch and have acquired a cubic yard of soap since October but I've just ordered a wood and silicone soap loaf mould and some raw Coconut Oil and will be making separate Frankincense and Oud oil soap soon because it's rare and I love mucking about with smellies - I'm an old hippy herbalist.
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