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Revisiting an Old Friend - Mike Natural Soaps

Well I just traded away my tin of Mike's Barbershop and am already regretting it.. Hopefully I can take solace in finally getting a case for my Gillette #58 and then pick up some more Mike's after the sabbatical.
I'm yet to work out what I'm missing with Mike's, I've not been able to get a decent face lather regardless of the quantity of water or effort. On Monday I stopped during the first pass and relathered with Fat 'as (two parts MWF, one part Haslinger Sheep's Milk), it just wasn't slick enough to shave with.

I'll keep trying though.
I'm the lucky guy who now has the Mike's Barbershop. My wife smelled it and liked the scent. I've never bought directly from Mike, always a buy, sell or trade elsewhere. I should start doing business directly with him.
I just revisited and purchased a new tub of Orange, Cedar & Black Pepper...wow...great stuff. New plastic tubs are far better than the old tins. His shipping is quicker too...
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