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Replated Aristocrat #15: It's Ready for Another 70 Years

The Aristocrat #15 is my "Holy Grail" razor (until I find a Toggle:001_rolle) and its one I can honestly say I won't part with. I got a great deal for it even for it's worn down plating. I gave it its due respect and brought back to life, just like a classic car gets paint job and you know what, it's going to shave 10x better now. :w00t:

The #15 was my holy grail razor as well. Since finding one last year, I haven't purchased another razor. If it didn't kill off my RAD, it certainly settled it down. I probably use my pre-war, Fat-handled Tech more often, but nothing touches the look and feel ( it is a heavy and sexy beast) of the #15.

Just shaved with it loaded with a Gillette 7O'Clock Blue. I shaved with a ball-end Tech last night and it irritated the heck out of me, kind of odd. Previously I've been loving the Progress but was being too razor monogamous with it.
The #15 made it up for it. It's a smooth but effective razor that shaves as good as it looks.
Just shaved with it loaded with a Gillette 7O'Clock Blue. I shaved with a ball-end Tech last night and it irritated the heck out of me, kind of odd. Previously I've been loving the Progress but was being too razor monogamous with it.
The #15 made it up for it. It's a smooth but effective razor that shaves as good as it looks.

Those 15's are sweet aggressive yet mild razors.
Nice replate- I would have done the same!
That #15 is haunting me.. Is it more aggressive than the #21? Someone answer no please..
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