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Redness on face out of nowhere!

So I have been DE shaving for about 5 months now and am loving it. I have many top rated Soaps/creams/AS and razors in my rotation and all was going along swell until BAM!!! About two weeks ago I started developing redness and I guess you could say bumps all in the same area of my face. Left side upper lip and lower chin. I have tried nothing new and wash my face nightly with tried and true products. Its so weird because my skin has never done this. It doesn't seem to be getting better with time and in fact it seems to be getting a bit worse. Its not painful or itchy but simply annoying and bad looking. I have tried witch hazel, cortisone, and alcohol all to no avail.

My new plan is to stick to the same razor/cream/AS set up for a few days and see if its a software issue. I would love any tips or advice on this. Maybe there is something out there I haven't tried.

Thanks a bunch and Happy Holidays shavers!!
You don't mention how often you shave or how you shave, but it could be an issue with too much pressure or a bad angle, especially if you haven't changed any of your software. I'd give it a rest from shaving for a couple of days, then go back to basics on your technique and see if you get your mojo back.
I've had this too although my chin problem is most due to my Ikon nicking me a while ago, it started as a shaving cut, went to a spot, then back to cut (odd) .The best you can do is go to a chemist and ask for something.
Eliminate a bunch of things by using one brushless cream. You may have a brush or soap tin that has gotten septic.

After rinsing, blot your face with a freshly cleaned undershirt... not the towel that has been hanging too long in the bathroom... yeah, that one over there.

Rest for a couple of days and also ease up on the pressure.

Hope one of those things helps you find the solution.
Are you sure you didn't add a new soap (or another product) to the rotation? In that case, it might be an allergy to some ingredient.
Also clean your brush with dish soap and a vinegar bath afterwards. Then thorough rinsing of course. It can be something growing in your brush if you use the same brush constantly and it doesn't have time to completely dry out between uses.
Try the other suggestions first, but if it doesn't get better, see a doctor about it. Might not be shaving related at all.
Thank you for all the suggestions. I gave my brushes a cleaning just to be on the safe side and I have been going really light and easy with my shaves. I have to shave every day for work reasons up until xmas, but then I'll take a break and let my skin rest for a few days.

the redness seems to be going away and Im wondering if the change in weather out here in cali from cold to hot to cold mixed with daily shaving (and i'll admit to chasing the BBS) might have just trigered something in my skin. I don't know.

Thankful to you gentlemen for the tips and have a warm and fun holiday!! hopefully filled with all sorts of shave related items hahaha!!
My first thought was that, even though you are using "tried and true" products, you may have developed a sensitivity to one (or more) of the ingredients. Then, I noticed that the reaction was localized and my thoughts turned to technique. Perhaps you are unconsciously using too much pressure or a sub-optimal blade angle in those areas.

Once irritation occurs, it takes some time for it to settle down. If you re-irritate an area you run the risk of creating a viscious circle of irritation.

Good luck and remember, "Be kind to yourself."
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