As of late I have really started liking and appreciating the Old Spice scent. I'm currently using the shower gell, Mama Bears Aged Spice, Old Spice deodorant, and Old Spice AS. I find the scent to not be over-powering but stays with me all day.
I like you have gotton into this of late.
I just bought my first ever bottle of authentic Old Spice Aftershave today.
Try the Ivy Club by Vi John at the dollar store. It's very much like the old Old Spice.
+1 to that! The Vijon Spice is top notch and really close to the original and I have a closet full of it now I decant mine into a 70's Shulton AS bottle and use it almost daily.
I like the scent OK, but I think I am allergic to it. I've only been brave enough to put it on three times, but each time I have developed runny nose and nasal stuffiness that drove me crazy for about three hours.
I may try it one more time, but if it does that to me again, I'm gonna have to throw it away.
My dad has about a light splash of the original OS left in a glass late Shulton bottle. And then, it will all be gone.
Ray, guess that means that the soon-to-be-empty bottle will go to you, I'd guess? Either that or you'll be a good son and refill it with Ivory Club for him... Either way, you're a winner!
Ray, guess that means that the soon-to-be-empty bottle will go to you, I'd guess? Either that or you'll be a good son and refill it with Ivory Club for him... Either way, you're a winner!
Ray is a crafty lad
What he will do is use the splash of Shulton himself and THEN fill the mug with Ivory Club and give it back to his dad
He rarely uses anything these days. He hardly ever shaves (about once a week with disposables).
claim rights of the firstborn and take the bottles from him! Serves him right for neglecting his shave routine.