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Really Dirty Black Handle Super speed L4 Date Code

This thing was really nasty, caked with soap scum, tto doors opened and closed as they should have, but the rough turning and squeaky twist mechanism was obviously clogged with shaving gunk as well. So, I did a 24 hour hot water/dish soap soak , followed by a bath of scrubbing bubbles, and finished with a toothbrush scrub. The outside is certainly not nos shiny, but the surface is clean eough for use. The TTO knob action is much smoother, but still squeaks so I decided to soak once more in just water. 12 hours later, this flaky white substance appears, oozing out of joints here and there. I'm guessing this is some kind of shaving nastiness from inside the handle working its way out.

I decided then to just continue soaking, changing the water every 12 hours. Ive repeated this cycle for the past 4 days, and the white, flaky gunk contiues to ooze with no signs of abatement. Am I doing more harm than good by having the razor immersed in water continuously for so long?
Now that is a good question.
I've had and stripped slims and super adjustables - the slims have normal soap and residue from hard water etc but the supers with the alloy handles, which I can only assume to be the same as super speed handles have an electrolytic thingy going on with the inner shaft nickel/brass/steel. The super adjustables I've fixed had green goo inside.
My theory is that soap (not all but some) can be very alkaline, stick that between aluminium and another metal, add a little water and you're making a battery, eating away at the insides.
Now I'm going to get a lot of people saying NOOOOOO :thumbdown here but what I would try is a little vinager :ohmy: did I just say that - very dilute in some water to neutralise the alkali, swish it around well for a few minutes to get it all inside then rinse and rinse and rinse again to get it all out. Then just use and maybe lube occasionally if still squeaking and to coat the ally to stop it happening again now the inner coating is gone.
Just my 50ps worth.:biggrin1:.
Every so often you see a white or gray handled Gillette Super Speed / Super Adjustable go by on ebay.
The black resin coated handles can get "bleached out" if exposed to too harsh a cleaning agent.
Every so often you see a white or gray handled Gillette Super Speed / Super Adjustable go by on ebay.
The black resin coated handles can get "bleached out" if exposed to too harsh a cleaning agent.
...and this is why I'm omly soaking in water.

My queation is am I doing more harm than good by keeping the razor pretty much immersed in water only for almost a week straight, so far.
...and this is why I'm omly soaking in water.

My queation is am I doing more harm than good by keeping the razor pretty much immersed in water only for almost a week straight, so far.

I'm sure their is a point of diminishing returns and a point where bad things start to happen, but I do not know that time line.

How does the razor feel now?
I'm sure their is a point of diminishing returns and a point where bad things start to happen, but I do not know that time line.

How does the razor feel now?
The twist action seems smoother, but the white flaky gunk shows no sign on abating yet.
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