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Razors and safety with kids


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I tried to search this subject and couldn't find anything. As per usual, if there's something, please, show me the thread!

I do not have any kids at the moment, there might be some in the long term plan, I don't know, not there yet. However, I do have a few nephews and nieces. I know that you cannot leave anything unattended with kids, they could be 1 month old or 15 yo!

I was wondering how you keep your wetshaving supplies safe. Specially the razors blades or straights. Having a tube of cream being emptied on the floor would be a tragedy but having a kid cut himself/herself with one of my razors would be terrible.

Are you locking your goodies in a cabinet, is there a special place were you hide sharp objects?

The age varies at the moment from 2yo to 12yo. I know I can have a chat with them but I think if they don't know where it lives, it safer.
I would vote for locking the sharp stuff up.
A friend of mine from work had a very unfortunate incident with a DE blade when she was little. I'll spare you the fairly graphic details (it made my fingers hurt just to hear it,) but she climbed up to the top shelf of a closet to get it.
Placing item out of the reach of little fingers, (high) worked for me untill the age of understanding. Our bathroom, which usually had access from our bedroom was always "OFF LIMITS". If that solution isn't possible, theres always the child proof thingys for cabinets and drawers.
I have a 2 1/2 year old son and I don't lock my blades away... I just keep them out of reach in a tall cabinet. Only once did I forget and leave a razor on the counter after shaving. I came in and found my son with blood all over his face - fortunately it turned out he nicked his finger tip and just touched his face - perhaps he was "painting," he didn't seem bothered, but it was enough to scare me so that I never leave razors on the counter anymore.
Little kids are very curious, though, so this sort of thing is a constant concern.
I have a 2 1/2 year old son and I don't lock my blades away... I just keep them out of reach in a tall cabinet. Only once did I forget and leave a razor on the counter after shaving. I came in and found my son with blood all over his face - fortunately it turned out he nicked his finger tip and just touched his face - perhaps he was "painting," he didn't seem bothered, but it was enough to scare me so that I never leave razors on the counter anymore.
Little kids are very curious, though, so this sort of thing is a constant concern.

+1 I have three kids and just keep my stuff up high on a shelf and have not had a problem, yet. If there are other kids coming over I just put my straights or anything I don't want broken away in my bedroom so they are not tempted to check the shiny things out.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Thanks for the answers everyone. If there are more ideas, please post them!

I think the safe bet will be to keep a lock on them or leave them out of reach depending on the crowd!
My 2 year old son got into my stuff a couple times. I learned the first time.

I keep my razors up high on the bathroom shelf, until he get's taller. I only keep one of them loaded at a time as well.

When he got into a pack of blades, I felt so bad. He wasn't bothered by the small cut, but he did bleed some. Now I keep my blades in an old combination locked coin safe. Except for the one pack I'm currently using, which is in the top dresser drawer and I am careful to not access those blades when he is around to see me.

Unfortunately, I don't have any other place to store my creams. I have found tube shaving cream on the floor and some tube caps lying around.
My daughter 10 understands the risk and wouldn't dare risk hurting herself. My son 5 on the other hand is indestructable (at least in his own mind) so as others have mentioned "Mommy and Daddy's" bathroom is off limits. Additionally all of the blades are in a container well out of reach.
I currently just keep them in a drawer in our vanity. My daughter has never shown interest in opening the drawer or wanting to go into it. Now that I have quite a few blades I want to get a small locking box to keep them in.
i have educated the kids and lock the blades away, anyway.

for now, the cheap plastic kid-proofing devices work on the bathroom cabinets. although kids do figure these out.

i showed them the razors and blades and explained the dangers of touching either (blade could be in razor). i stress this to them whenever it comes up in context. they have a healthy respect for the blades and to not bump into Daddy when he's shaving!
i showed them the razors and blades and explained the dangers of touching either (blade could be in razor). i stress this to them whenever it comes up in context. they have a healthy respect for the blades and to not bump into Daddy when he's shaving!

Right, same here, 3 years old girl.
Showing the razor with blades mounted when I'm "bearding" (as she says), and explaining that she should never touch it because it would hurt badly seems to inspire enough respect for this daddy's thing.
You could always buy an inexpensive wood humidor with a lock. or even a locking like, not too feminine jewelry box to hold blades and straights
I toss old blades through the medicine cabinet slot.

Working razors are on the top shelf of the medicine cabinet. The 2 year-old boy isn't aware of that yet. The 5 year-old girl who likes to shave with me understands that razors might have blades in them; she isn't to touch one unless daddy has checked it first to make sure it isn't 'sharp'.

New blades I keep in prescription pill bottles (with silica gel packets) that have lock tops. Those go into daddy's cologne box, which is in the bedroom up out of reach.
I only keep creams and soaps in the bathroom. My razor and blades are on a high shelf in my home office. I have to walk it over every time I shave but I have a very curious 3yr old girl, maybe when she grows up but this will do for now.
As an alternative you could lock the kids up until they are 30.:rolleyes:
Seriously, a bit of common sense is what is required. Kids are going to be kids and you have to stay one step ahead of them. Lock up dangerous items out of reach (and not just razors and blades. Just take a look in any bathroom or kitchen and see all the things that are potentially harmful to children, including some of the food in the refrigerator!)
Once upon a time kids were allowed to go out and explore and confront a few of the hazards of existence and they didn't all die horrible deaths or get abducted by rapists.

If a kid is young enough not to know that you don't grab something sharp by the edge, then I doubt they'd know how to slide the blade out of the plastic case, and unwrap it, or reach the bathroom counter for that manner. And a kid who doesn't yet know that sharp things are dangerous is probably not one you are going to let out of your sight anyways because things you like have a tendency to get broken.

But we know how when a little kid stubs his toe he'll react as if someone just shot him in the kneecap or sawed into his arm and poured alcohol into the wound lol, so the first time they cut themselves is probably the last. They aren't going to slit their wrists with it.
I don't have kids either, Luc but I do have an entirely too curious Max Cat. I have a blade bank with a slit that*just* allows a blade to slip through and my razors are kept in dimestore cedar boxes with catches on the lids.

My first really "good" cut came from a shick injector and I remember it like it was yesterday. I can still remember the shock that something so pretty was so dangerous :ohmy:

Thanks, toucanlamp, I’ve been waiting for dissension. I agree with most of what’s been said here as far as the best ways to keep kids safe around razors, but I toucanlamp has a point regarding insulating our children from risk.

I keep my blades tucked away, but a couple loaded razors on my vanity, a little out of easy reach. I try to educate my 4 y/o about things like pocketknives, tools, fire and now razors. I try to mitigate the dangers involved, but I don’t want to make potentially dangerous items taboo, and therefore enticing. I give him the chance to fail, get scared, get hurt. I think teaching him, or allowing him to learn, about dangerous things, in a relatively safe manner, is a good defense against the greater danger of encountering these things unprepared.
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