Big Time update - I fixed it! Here's what I had to do, a spin off on what I did to get it to spin past 5 -
There is this little pin/tab thing, right at the indicator/clicker for the adjustment settings. Technically, its underneath the sleeve/cuff that you actually spin that has the numbers on it. When I was cleaning/drying my razor, I must have depressed the pin and that allowed the adjustment knob to spin past its maximum/minimum. It must be the locking mechanism...anyways it appears as if I spun it way under (or over) and the adjustment was way at the bottom of the threading, causing the razor to basically be longer! So I depressed the exposed pin with my fingernail, spun the adjuster, and spun it some more, until the razor started coming together and I breathed a sigh of relief . Now it works like new again, really hard to adjust and locks well!
I am having a crisis! I think I may have somehow broken my Super Adjustable.
I was cleaning it out after my shave with a towel...and I noticed that the assembly below the head that has the 4 little pads that do the adjusting was moving up and down freely when the silo doors are open. Then when I closed it, I found it would only spin from 9-5. additionally, it seems as if there is no adjusting happening at all and the 4 pads seem flush with the razor head. I also noticed that when I close the silo doors, it no longer meets with resistance and then keeps tightening to lock - it just stops tightening after meeting risistance and doesnt lock! I am freaking out...
I shot a little video clip to help explain further...it is 22 megabytes, .mov format (all my camera makes)...I don't know really if I can compress it but I will try...I'll edit this post and add it as soon as I get it uploaded...
So can anybody help?
Big Time update - I fixed it! Here's what I had to do, a spin off on what I did to get it to spin past 5 -
There is this little pin/tab thing, right at the indicator/clicker for the adjustment settings. Technically, its underneath the sleeve/cuff that you actually spin that has the numbers on it. When I was cleaning/drying my razor, I must have depressed the pin and that allowed the adjustment knob to spin past its maximum/minimum. It must be the locking mechanism...anyways it appears as if I spun it way under (or over) and the adjustment was way at the bottom of the threading, causing the razor to basically be longer! So I depressed the exposed pin with my fingernail, spun the adjuster, and spun it some more, until the razor started coming together and I breathed a sigh of relief . Now it works like new again, really hard to adjust and locks well!
I am having a crisis! I think I may have somehow broken my Super Adjustable.
I was cleaning it out after my shave with a towel...and I noticed that the assembly below the head that has the 4 little pads that do the adjusting was moving up and down freely when the silo doors are open. Then when I closed it, I found it would only spin from 9-5. additionally, it seems as if there is no adjusting happening at all and the 4 pads seem flush with the razor head. I also noticed that when I close the silo doors, it no longer meets with resistance and then keeps tightening to lock - it just stops tightening after meeting risistance and doesnt lock! I am freaking out...
I shot a little video clip to help explain further...it is 22 megabytes, .mov format (all my camera makes)...I don't know really if I can compress it but I will try...I'll edit this post and add it as soon as I get it uploaded...
So can anybody help?