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Razor Lubrication

So, my new Fatboy seems a little stiff in some places. The knob seems a little reluctant to twist, and the part that pops up as a result of the twisting (the part that goes up between the gap in the razor blade). Is it cool for me to just spray some WD40 down in there or is that unadvisable?
Don't use any WD-40. Think of it this way...only use something you would use on your face. Ergo: bably oil (mineral oil) or even olive oil...no petroleum distillates on your mug.
WD-40 is a no no.

But before you start adding oil to your razor do a deep soak overnight in hot water and dish soap. The Fatboy turning threads are exposed at the bottom of the handle and a lot of crud gets in. That alone loosened up three of my Fatboys. Then open and close the razor a few times and clean out the end with a Q-tip. Repeat the process if necessary.

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I use oil for musical instuments keys, like horns. Do a search, one of our members recommended it and it works great, non-toxic.
This is what I would do. Since shaving soaps are alkaline, I would try an acidic cleaner, which should desolve the soap residue trapped inside the razor. The best thing I can think of is a citrus acid based cleaner, I would'nt mind having a lemon on my mug :). Make sure the solution is not so acidic that it could ruin the finish on the razor, most citruscleaners are marked safe for chrome. Give it a long soak, at least half an hour, more if needed. Work the action and shake it around now and then and rinse thoroughly after. Then follow GoldenMonkeys advice on lubing it.
WD-40 is a no no.

But before you start adding oil to your razor do a deep soak overnight in hot water and dish soap. The Fatboy turning threads are exposed at the bottom of the handle and a lot of crud gets in. That alone loosened up three of my Fatboys. Then open and close the razor a few times and clean out the end with a Q-tip. Repeat the process if necessary.


+1. If you don't get the crud out first, you are just lubricating the crud. An ultrasonic cleaner works great for this as well if you have one. Also, once you get the crud out, you might find that you don't need to lubricate the razor.
If you want to lubricate your razor, use a food grade silicone lubricant. This will ensure you don't put anything irritating or toxic chemicals where they don't belong.
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