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Razor comparison?

so i currently am shaving with a Merkur progress for the past month or so, since i am a newbie i have been shaving on a setting somewhere in the 2-3 range.

Recently, RAD set in and i have purchased:

'46/47 Aristocrat
'53 SS
'60 SS
'47 Milord

would anyone be willing to rank these in order of aggressiveness? from lowest to highest? and compared to my Progress at a 2/3 setting? Want to start using these vintage razors and want to know where to start.

Just off hand I'd say the Milord and the Aristocrat are about the same followed by the 53 and 60 SS.
The Milord and Aristoscrat would be about like your Progress set to 4-4.5 and the SSs would be about 2-3.
Of course your result may be totally different them mine.
Never used a Milord. The Aristocrat is more aggressive than than the Superspeeds, and both Superspeeds should be the same.
The Aristocrat would be the most aggressive of your list. My Aristocrat shaves similarly to my red tip Superspeed.
I find my Milord a hair more aggressive than my '54 flare tip Superspeed, but it's close.

I've never tried a Progress.

- Peter
Awesome. Thanks for the replies. Will try my flaretip SS tommorrow! Anyone know about the milord? I thought I heard they were mild
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