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Quality butterfly?

I own 3 three piece DE's (DE89, Parker 12R & 13R), can anybody reccomend a butterfly DE that shaves on par or above (preferably above) the quality of my current trio?

thinking of either a butterfly or a high end DE such as a feather as-d2
a Rocket/Parat (mild) or Red tip, i assume... - i know the de89 but no experience with Parker, although i have a brand new one.
I have two vintage Gillettes that are excellent razors. The first is a 1946/47 Aristocrat and I recently acquired a 1976 Gillette Super Adjustable Black Beauty. Both are in excellent condition and shave great. The Aristocrat is a little more demanding of me to stay focused on technique. Thus far I've only used the Super on setting "4" and on this setting it has given me excellent shaves.

Bottom line I can recommend those two razors enthusiastically.

I would think if you could snag a Fat Boy or a Red Tip you would get a great razor.
Shave quality and construction will be on par with the Gillettes. I'm personally fond of the Aristocrat as well which I find to be relatively mild but I also believe the Red Tip is an excellent candidate.
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