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Putting my Slant on Steroids

This week finds me on yet another road trip...and among other things, in the mood to experiment a bit.

There is ample talk of shimming - particularly with the milder razors; Weber, EJ89s, etc...

To my knowledge, there hasn't been quite as much talk about shimming things that actually shave moderately (or more) aggressive straight out of the box.

This I know - I love shims and I love my Merkur 39C Slant - the experiment thus becomes fairly obvious.

Here's what I did - I cut a couple of Astra blades the best that I could with my tools on hand to create a couple of shims. The shims add approximately .1 mm thickness each (although I could be wrong on the exact thickness of the Astras). This gives me roughly .2mm of extra gap...if not a bit more due to the way the blades clamp up when you tighten it all together.

Put your shaving blade in first - follow it with the 2 shims - jiggle them around just a bit to make sure it's all straight - leave the head down flat just like you see it in the pictures and add your handle. You can jiggle it a little more while you tighten things down - but it works pretty well by just keeping it simple and to the point.

The pictures will explain what I did - the order in which I did it - and the finished blade gap...which results in Slant more than a little aggressive that shaves exceedingly close...but exceptionally smooth. The Slant is great on its own - to me, it's even better now (as I like aggressive shaves). Is it as close as an R41? I don't think so, but it is very, very close. It is certainly in the league of my Joris and Barbasol Floating Head - and will shave you as smooth and as close as the latest offerings from any of the current "artisan" makers (OC or SB).

In any event - if you want to "kick it up a notch" with your Slant - 2 shims will change your razor's personality a fair amount.




Wow! The 39C looks menacing in the last photo! I'm eager to hear what your results are ...

Just used it an hour ago with my Rooney 3XL and MWF.

3 Passes and light touch up in my normal areas...results were a shave in the same dimension as my Cobra, R41, Joris or Barbasol Floating. Head. I really recommend this experiment to anyone wanting a bit different experience with their Slant. It's a pretty sweet shaver that will bite you if you're not paying attention - but shave you as close as most anything currently available regardless of price.
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Wow, that's really mean looking. I'll leave my slant alone, as it works just fine for me without having to fool with it.

Glad that it works for you however.
I like your way of thinking. I haven't tried that one yet, but will have to very soon:biggrin1:. BTW a double shimmed r41 isn't nearly as bad as one may think.
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I love my Sledge just the way it is but if you need a more aggressive one, looks like you done good. I use a thin foam as a shim in my SS Feather because I really worry about scratching it up. No problems with scratching on the Merkur using cut blades?
I love my Sledge just the way it is but if you need a more aggressive one, looks like you done good. I use a thin foam as a shim in my SS Feather because I really worry about scratching it up. No problems with scratching on the Merkur using cut blades?

Ummm...you know, I actually hadn't considered that it might be scratching it up a bit. I will have to look into that a bit more. If I have to scratch something though, probably better do it with a cheaper razor like the Slant.
I used a two blade shim like the OP in my Hoffritz slant and man what a difference. I couldn't believe how effecient it was with little or no irritation. Thanks for the heads up. Next up is my R41.
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