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Proraso Red

So, I'm not sure how good of a deal this actually is, but since they are discontinued I would think being able to get your hands on a tube would be a deal in itself. Anyone that finds this to be a sufficiently good deal and buys some is welcome to send me a sample as a thanks...:innocent:
Anyway, enjoy guys!
Edit: It seems as though I can't paste their web address in here, so you'll need to Google search "razor and brush". First entry is a company named Razor and Brush HP. In their store, under shaving cream, they claim to have Proraso Red for $15 a tube. Only a single tube per person.
Sorry for the screw up guys, it's been a long day.
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So, I'm not sure how good of a deal this actually is, but since they are discontinued I would think being able to get your hands on a tube would be a deal in itself. Anyone that finds this to be a sufficiently good deal and buys some is welcome to send me a sample as a thanks...:innocent:
Anyway, enjoy guys!

theshaveden.com has made up their own version, fyi. I haven't used it, but if it's anything like their soaps, it should be a winner.
Am I missing something? This post doesn't seem to provide any information on actually being able to find Proraso Red anywhere.
Once in a while a tube will pop up on fleabay and here. Seems that it is going for a premium and goes very quick when it does show up. I know of no online vendor that has any old stock ( believe me, I have searched top to bottom). Most of the reviews for the Shave Den stuff seems to be very positive.

I think I might be losing my mind or something... time for bed I guess.


Oh I didn't see deaftim's note until after I posted again... I do like the red myself, but honestly I think I like the green with methol alot better. It's the best.
Am I missing something? This post doesn't seem to provide any information on actually being able to find Proraso Red anywhere.
Well now feel like a dolt. I forgot to past the webpage in the first post and... well just don't hurt me please. I edited the page, but again you'll need to google search "razor and brush". First entry is a company named Razor and Brush. In their store, under shaving cream, they claim to have proraso red for $15 a tube. Only a single tube per person.
Well now feel like a dolt. I forgot to past the webpage in the first post and... well just don't hurt me please. I edited the page, but again you'll need to google search "razor and brush". First entry is a company named Razor and Brush. In their store, under shaving cream, they claim to have proraso red for $15 a tube. Only a single tube per person.

That site has been down for sometime:
"The Store is closed. Other pressing engagements force me to close the ......... Italiana webstore. We thank all our customers for your business and regret the closure of our webstore."

and no, they do not have any.
"razor and brush" prior to it's internet demise is/was a banned website here at b&b, fyi. due to the owners repeated violations of the b&b TOS.
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