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Propane weed torch, good idea or fire hazard?


I'm a Lumberjack.
Okay I know you were all worried for my safety. I’ve used the torch twice now. No fires 🔥 that I know of. 😮‍💨
I used almost one small tank on a brick walk. It took much more time that I expected but worked well. Longer weeds of a few inches are almost better to just pull out and burn the rest. It takes some patience and I was being careful with the end and my feet. I had to go over areas several times it seemed to really get everything out. Say the walk took me an hour. One can is $5. A bottle of chemical is closer to 10 and isn’t always effective. Maybe the true test is the rate of recovery for these weeds. I scorched the cracks pretty well so I’m wondering if I’ve won the war or the battle. I used it a second time on other walks with just some sporadic weeds. I unscrewed the canister for storage.
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