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Post an ages old phrase you heard growing up

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My shop teacher "If I had a hand grenade I could gwt the whole lot of ya". He did not like us bunching up and talking. Or shooting brads at each other. Or throwing little chunks of wood into the tablesaw blade. Or anything we done really lol


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
Dad again: "He's about as much help as mittens on a bear cub!"
My dad's didn't even have to come close to making sense sometimes. "Your about as useful as 'teets' on a doorknob!"

Who says that? But I ALWAYS could tell what he was driving at!

Mike M

...but this one IS cracked.
You're as dumb as a bag of wet mice


She's as wet as a haddock's bathing costume

That last one is courtesy of Edmond Blackadder
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