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I see people raving about this brand. Local store in NYC has both-I've never had experience with this brand and I'm curious as to which is considered "superior" before I buy them....thx in advance.
Both excellent blades. Both are sharp, but I think the SI's are a little smoother and last a little longer. Polsilver SI and Gillette 7 o'clock blacks are my two favorite blades. Personally, I rank Polsilver ss along with Timors right under the top two.
Both excellent blades. Both are sharp, but I think the SI's are a little smoother and last a little longer. Polsilver SI and Gillette 7 o'clock blacks are my two favorite blades. Personally, I rank Polsilver ss along with Timors right under the top two.

Lol they had the gilette 7 blacks too. Thanks.
My Polsilver Stainless are still in the mail, but when they get here I will be able to make a comparison.
They better be good for the price I paid...
I did a comparison of of these blades, along with the original Super Iridium. In my opinion they were all equally good performers. So, you can't go wrong with either Polsilver or Polsilver SI.
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