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Poll: Where do you usually cut yourself?

Where do you usually cut yourself?

  • Left cheek or jawline

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Right cheek or jawline

    Votes: 4 4.7%
  • Mustache area

    Votes: 11 12.8%
  • Chin

    Votes: 23 26.7%
  • Neck

    Votes: 26 30.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.0%
  • I have never cut myself shaving

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • I can't discern a particular pattern as to where it happens

    Votes: 7 8.1%

  • Total voters
I don't cut myself very often while shaving, but did yesterday. When I do now it seems really unpredictable, except for where it happens, which is usually on my right jawline. I thought it might be interesting to do a poll of where people cut themselves along the lines of the poll about where people start shaving.
On the (rare) occasion which I get a nick, it is usually between my bottom lip and my chin. There are many folds in my skin in that area making it sometimes difficult.

Claudel Xerxes

Staff member
Weepers and nicks are usually on my neck. I've had two bad cuts from going too fast or not paying attention. Those have both been around my mustache area.
I voted chin, however it's actually right between my bottom lip and the top of my chin. Not really a cut, per se, most often a weeper. My second most often spot is the side of my neck/beard where I have a bit of a swirl pattern and I'm trying to get close.


I'm not sure if I've ever "cut" myself, I get the occasional weeper from dermaplaning a skin imperfection off.

I have BLED however by ever so slightly nicking a raised mole below my jaw/ear. It doesn't take much for that to be a blood fest.
No cuts, but I occasionally get a weeper on my adams apple. Its not real big but its kinda pointy.
Always first pass and it usually closes before the shave is over.
I'm not sure if I've ever "cut" myself, I get the occasional weeper from dermaplaning a skin imperfection off.

I have BLED however by ever so slightly nicking a raised mole below my jaw/ear. It doesn't take much for that to be a blood fest.
I have cut a mole...not shaving...and ya they bleed!
Mouth. Can’t see.
I’ve had a short beard for nine months to solve the problem.
I shave my head and neck, no problems.
I'm not sure if I've ever "cut" myself, I get the occasional weeper from dermaplaning a skin imperfection off.

I have BLED however by ever so slightly nicking a raised mole below my jaw/ear. It doesn't take much for that to be a blood fest.

I have a mole like that on my neck, that I've similarly nicked with cartridges and DEs. At some point I just started keeping very clear of it. I kind of learned that there's not really any visible hair near it anyway.
I said mustache, but it would be more accurate to say the whole goatee area.

I almost never get cuts. I do get tiny red dots/weepers very frequently, however. My skin is not smooth. These red dots close themselves off by the time I am done shaving/rinsing. I don't even use alum.
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