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"Plunge" to open--broken TTO's

I now have three TTO razors with this same problem: two Super Adjustables, and a 40's SS.

Basically, when I turn the TTO knob, the knob unscrews itself and comes down out of the bottom--it won't actually fall out of the razor, but it just sticks out from the bottom. I can then push on the bottom, and the doors will open. This is why I call it "plunge" to open--it's almost like a plunger, pushing on the bottom and the top opening.

Has anyone else encountered this problem? If you're all clueless about what I'm talking about, I'll make a Youtube video or something.

And of course, the real crux of why I'm posting this: is there a way to fix this?

That's a common problem.
There are mating ridges on the shaft of the knob and the inside of the handle bore, when they become worn the knob is no longer held in by this ridge.
Members have reformed this ridge using a tubing cutter with a blunt blade.
I just fixed my 40's SS by pushing a flathead screwdriver onto the ring above the TTO knob. Works fine now, but it put a couple of dings into the ring.
I just fixed my 40's SS by pushing a flathead screwdriver onto the ring above the TTO knob. Works fine now, but it put a couple of dings into the ring.
I have a very tiny center punch I have used on two SS'....I just put two little dimples opposite each other....you have to really look to see them. These are just very common 50's SS'....If I was really concerned about fixing a nice razor I think I would try the tubing cutter.
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