Just put this on and ...
***? Canon smoke?
***? Canon smoke?
LOLOLOL!!! I LOVE that movie! Nicely done!
"I'm afraid it's worse than that, Bromhead. In the last attack, one of those devils put an assegai right through the last bottle of Pinaud Special Reserve."
I've heard good things about SR but do not have in my arsenal.
Is it similar to PIBR? I keep hearing of the similaries. If its similar, I may not jump to purchase.
LOLOLOL!!! I LOVE that movie! Nicely done!
BTW, I had SR in my rotation at one point and I only wore it because I paid for it. Then I threw it out. IMHO, English Leather is WAY better. But I do love Pinaud products in general.
Special reserve!
I don't find it at all similar to bay rum... Closer to some leathers.
Good stuff, eh? (is this the same as the old pinaud napoleon splash?)
I get a little smokiness from Special Reserve, but it doesn't dominate on my skin.
LOLOLOL!!! I LOVE that movie! Nicely done!