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Photo of the Day

Orange sulfur butterfly

Salut Troy,

Your pictures of the sulfur butterfly are amazing. Primarily in the frontal view, this insect almost seems to have a personlity. This is inkeeping with my belief that we should respect all forms of life (with the possible exception of mosquitos).

In German this butterfly is called "Zitronenfalter" (lemon butterfly); in French it is called citron de Provence. This was an answer in quiz show recently - a clue was "the first butterfly to hatch out in spring."


Thanks! I have a 12 minute 4K video of one I could probably speed up and a 20+ minute one of a caterpillar turning into a Chrysalis. I just need to learn more about video editing. They're on my Facebook timeline in real time downsized to 720. If you (or anyone else) want to see them shoot me a PM and Ill give you my info. I also have a few more shots of this one but my flash kept misfiring so I didn't get as many as I wanted.
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