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Phantom shaving nicks?


Eccentric and destitute of reason
I was shaving my neck WTG with my Gamechanger .84P and suddenly felt a sharp pain at the lower part of my neck next to windpipe area. I thought, dang it, I cut myself, now I'm going to bleed all over like a stuck hog. I waited a bit for the blood flow to start and nothing. Finished my shave and rinsed off the lather then closely examined the area and NO NICKS that I could see anyway. :eek2: huh?

What gives? I thought. I was sure that I cut myself because it was such a sharp pain that I winced. Weird. Anybody else ever have such 'phantom nicks' like that?

The only thing I can think of is maybe the blade was tugging on a tough whisker or something. I was using a new Astra SP blade.
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