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GIVEAWAY! Participation PIF - Rembrandt's Shaving Masterpiece

First shave with Rembrandt's masterpiece blade. I found it pretty tuggy and not really sharp enough for my beard - at least not my goatee area. It took me 4 passes to get shaved to the level I can usually get in 2 passes I'm going to try a second blade tomorrow just to see if it was just that particular blade.

Anyone else notice the printing behind the inked logo? At first I thought it was upside down numbers (905M) like some sort of mfg marking of the stainless grade or something -- then I realized that what I thought was "905M" is just a backwards "Made" from the reverse side where it says "Made in Holland" ... Mirror image from the stacking of freshly inked blades prior to wrapping them.



Dances with Wolfs
Blade 1, Shave 2.

B&M Passiflora soap, balm, splash
Paladin 2023 Contributor’s Brush 28 mm Tut in Ancient Orange
1941 Gillette Ranger Tech
Rembrandt (2)

Today’s razor is the venerable 1941 Ranger Tech. I noticed a few of you guys on here were using them. Second use of this blade. The shave was sub par. A lot of tugging under the nose and in the soul patch area. Rough on the lower neck. Regardless, the shave was free of any irritation, blood, red marks, leaks, or weepers. Another low end DFS. Just barely into DFS territory. Not horrible. Not great either.

I am undecided whether I will bin this blade or use it again. I am heading out to Anaheim for the NAMM show on Wednesday. I may get another shave in, or maybe not. I will be taking a couple of Lupos on the road with a fresh Rembrandt. A 127 and a 95. Both safety bar versions. I will of course have backup blades.

My blades made it to the UK this morning, they're all ready for tomorrow's shave.

I dig the foil wrappers, but as the woke, soy-boy beta I am, I'm concerned about their recycleability. But on removing the blades from the envelope, one piece of foil adhered to some of the tape being used to hold the nickel rolls closed and has started to delaminate from the paper backing. We may get this recycled after all!

Lambda Athena steel
Rembrandt Stainless (1)
Wald A1 Nimbus fan
Southern Witchcrafts Druantia soap/splash

First, thank you to @Space_Cadet for procuring these blades, and to @Grundi for distributing. I appreciate the chance to shave with a vintage blade I'd never even heard of before, and surely would never have tried otherwise.

I haven't been reading the other reports here yet, as I wanted to start still not knowing what to expect. First impression, it's not super-sharp, but it's sharp enough. It's really only in my tougher mustache/goatee area that it had a hard time getting through, but it got the job done there too.

I ended up with a few spots of blood on my chin and under my left jawline, but they're tiny and the alum handled them. The shave was efficient enough, and I did very little buffing since I didn't want to draw any more blood. Despite that, it was still a pretty close shave. I'm not sure I'll get 8 shaves out of it like Grundi mentioned in the OP, but this is a decent start and I'll see how far it goes.
Pre: Shower, Warm water rinse
Blade: Rembrandt Stainless, Shave 5
Razor: Gillette 1949 UK Rocket
Brush: RV Manchurian
Soap: Stirling Scots Pine Sheep
Post: Lukewarm water rinse, Thayer's Cucumber Toner WH, Nivea men sensitive PSB

Today I switched the Rembrandt to my UK Rocket. Very nice. The Rocket is a bit heavier than the US SuperSpeed and it works well with this blade. It was just aggressive enough to demand care and respect while delivering a a great shave.

With buffing, the final result was BBS-. There were no nicks, weepers, or post-shave irritation.
Rembrandt's Masterpiece -- December 20, 2025

Blade 3, first use. The fresh Rembrandt for me is the very best shave. Beautiful BBS shave with the Rembrandt paired with the 1947 Gillette Superspeed. A very fine vintage shave this evening.

Rembrandt- Blade 1, Shave 2

The setup:
Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost Hydrating Cleansing Gel/Cremo Coconut Mango Shave Cream
Razor: Gillette Black Handle SuperSpeed
Brush: Vulfix Boar/Badger Grosvenor
Soap: Provence Sante Verlaine

In contrast to the first shave, blade was remarkably smooth, as efficient as any other I've used, on the first WTG pass.

Blade seemed to slow down when going ATG, but still delivered a BBS shave. Was it a function of encountering more beard resistance or the blade beginning to deteriorate? Guess we'll find out tomorrow
Kai - blade 1, shave 1

Henson Ti +++​
Southern Witchcrafts Boonana​
Yaqi rainbow pony​

I switched to the Kai to compare to the Rembrandt, and I only have two Rembrandts. I kept it in the Henson aggressive, knowing that it is a bit wider and that would be more of a factor in a razor with less exposure. This setup should let me test the edge, more independent of the width.

My first impression is that the Kai is not a sharp blade. It seems less sharp than what I would consider using for my particular face/whiskers. There was a general resistance to each stroke. Not quite tuggy, but a consistent resistance which says it isn't very sharp. I use the Henson aggressive at a shallow angle and it is top tier for me. I continued in that manner and ended up with a very nice shave.

I know that some say that the Kai is sharp. That is not what I experienced. My hypothesis is that people perceive sharpness, but what they are really getting is a bit more exposure out of their razor. I looked and this seems to also be consistent with helicopter's sharpness measurements. I'll try more shaves to see if this impression holds for me.
Kai blade #1. Shave #1
Razor: '41 Ranger Tech
Soap: Razorrock Santa Maria Del Fiore
Brush: Semogue Torga C5 Boar

I found the Kai blade to work much better than the Rembrandt blades. Today I did a 3 pass shave, rinsing and lathering before each pass. WTG, XTG and ATG. I ended up with a DFS with no irritation, cuts or burns.
Rembrandt edge 1 shave 1

Wilkinson Sword Classic (plastic) Razor, Cyril R Salter hard soap, Omega S-brush knot in homemade handle.

Salter's is supposedly the same base as DR Harris soap, but with its own very subtle (near-undetectable) lavender scent. Fine with me, as I get Harris performance at a significantly lower price, and I don't like strong lavender scents.

Unlike @T Bone I had been reading other reports whilst waiting for the blades to arrive, but reports were so mixed I still didn't have any idea what to expect. The first couple of strokes (on my cheek) were particularly impressive - it felt like nothing was happening, but my whiskers were disappearing.

The blade made itself a little more known around my moustache and chin areas, and there was even a tiny amount of irritation right on my neckline, but it passed by the time I was rinsing my face (my neck never gets a second pass). No weepers, though.

I was quite impressed with the blade. Although I have low expectations having used a lot of low quality blades lately, my last shave before this challenge was with the excellent Israeli (German) Red, and the Rembrandt stood up to that.


I don't have a funny description.
Your letter has arrived...

Usa Send Me GIF by South Park

Awesome! I'll chime in Thursday, as my Wednesday shave already is scheduled... 😉

Thanks again to you and @Space_Cadet! 😀👍

I remember once asking you what camera you're using to take those great pictures of your shaving gear you post, and you said it was just your cellular. I guess now you've switched to something that is the German parallel to "Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia".
Rembrandt Blade 1 Shave 5


I had three days of growth this morning, and the Rembrandt handled it fairly well. It was a pretty steady DFS, but by the end of the shave that buttery smoothness had started falling off, and I could tell the blade was pretty done. I've binned it, and will start a new one tomorrow.
Shave #4 - Rembrandt
Fatip Open Comb
Razorock Mudder Focker Soap

The Rembrandt seems to do best inside aggressive razors. The Fatip gave me a close but still comfortable shave with a lot of glide. The cutting did seem a bit louder than most blades I have used with the Fatip, but I do not sense any huge loss in performance on this 4th session. I could probably get at least three more sessions, and I'll milk this Rembrandt until Friday.
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