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Parker 51 ink in cap

I just inked up my 51 and it writes great. When the cap is pulled off, however, there is ink all over the barrel. I have cleaned out the cap and wiped off the barrel but as soon as it is re-capped and the cap is removed there is ink all over it again. The first time I pulled off the cap ink droplets flew everywhere. Is this a normal 51 problem? Is it possible I over filled it? Starting to get pretty messy.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
The only time I have that problem is when I fly with one on a plane. Is the pen getting jostled around a lot? You can't really over fill a 51.
Nope. I filled it, wiped it, capped it and set in on the table for about 5 minutes. As soon as I uncapped it ink went flying. I wiped up the inside of the cap with a q-tip and wiped off the pen and re-capped it. Set it back down and as soon as I popped the cap off there was ink on the barrel again.
I have had this happen with other pens. I do not know why it happens, but what I do is empty the pen of all ink then put the pen and cap in a glass of water and leave it there changing the water every every now and then till the water is clear.
The pen is then layed out to dry on a towel and I use a paper towel to clean out the inside of the cap.
after a few days of drying time I try the pen again. Some times it works.
is it possible the section has a hairline crack? I have a P21 (was once my favorite pen) with a cracked section. Messy. I hope that's not what's up with your pen; I don't think there's a fix. (But I'd like to hear if there is!)
+1 On hairline crack. Using a magnifier, check for a fine crack along the tip of the nib hood. If you find a crack, there is no fix, and you will have to replace the hood.
I checked the hood thouroughly with a jewelers loupe and gave it a good squeeze all around and can't find any cracks. Just gave it another thourough cleanup so will see how it looks once everything is dry.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. oddity it is. A hairline crack in the hood could do it as it changes the dynamics of the collector. cracks in a "51" hood are uncommon as the lucite just doesn't do this unless somebody has really clamped down on it and twisted it.

I have seen this happen a couple of times. The veined collector under the hood could have some cracks or damage to the veins which also changes the dynamics of the collector. This does not happen unless someone has taken the pen apart and screwgied the collector. The breather tube in the barrel could be bad as well causing the ink to flow too rapidly.

You never mentioned if this is a Vacumatic or Aerometric ?

Also check the vent hole in the barrel.... and when you fill the pen.... give the last release of the filler out of the ink. Sometimes the collector can be flooded and the last in rush of air can clear some of the flooding out of the collector
This is a vacuumatic. Doesn't seem to be a constant problem as it has stopped now. The inside of the cap had a good bit of gunk in it. Danny Fudge just replaced the diaphragm but I am not sure how far he took it apart.
Danny Fudge is a great restorer. Get all the gunk out of the cap and on your last pump when it is fully depressed in the ink, pull it out and let the plunger go. This will clear the collecter somewhat. This should help.
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