I learned a valuable lesson on brush hydration after my two most recent shaves with the Manchurian: don't shake out all the water before loading! When I first started wet shaving, I took the warnings of "start with a damp brush" too literally and shook out almost all of the water before loading. This never really came back to bite me since my three other brushes are not punishing at all on dryish loads. The Manchurian however does not face lather well when all the water is shaken out because I was essentially loading dry soap instead of lather/paste onto the bristles. Maybe this is because it's a fan knot instead of a bulb knot and the extra flop/splay in it allows more water to fall out of the knot. Point being on my most recent shave, I only squeezed out water from the knot and did not shake at all. The results were great; around 23 or 24 swirls gave me a pasty load that I face lathered into 3 passes plus touch ups worth of lather. I'm sure all of this is very obvious to almost everyone except me, but I thought I'd leave this note here for anyone else as naive as I am/was that is struggling with their face lathers when using these SHD knots.
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