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One Soap for Life

I recall a thread a while back in the DE Blades sub-form, whereby the scenario was to select/identify the one blade you would use for the rest of your life if forced to pick only one. I am actually a one razor (Pre-War Fat Handle Tech) and one blade (GSB) shaver, thus this was not a "Kobayashi Maru" dilemma for me. The "variety" for us One Razor / One Blade shavers ultimately comes in the form of our selection(s) of "soft goods"... soaps, aftershave, and perhaps even brushes.

So here's the deal: You can only select one soap to use for the rest of your life! What will it be and why (what are your discriminating criteria)?

My intent is that this will be interesting, informative, and beneficial for those searching for a staple soap selection or just another soap to add to their ever-expanding rotation.

Stirling sheep. It's absolutely the slickest stuff I have ever used. It's a soap that thinks it's a lotion and actually hydrates the skin. How in the world?
I use way less moisturizer since I got this stuff and doubt I will ever find anything better
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