I seem to be using Proraso AS splash a disproportionate amount lately. Anyone else on an unexplained aftershave kick?
I've been hitting the Aqua Velva alot because of the heat
This is not quite true, your always on a AV kick hot or cold. LOL
I use Proraso splash after every shave. I've got bottles of Irish Moos, Musgo Real, Speick, and a couple others that go unused.. I don't feel right after a shave if I don't feel that Proraso menthol kick. Not too strong, but enough to let you know it's there. The clean scent... I love the stuff. God forbid they ever reformulate it.
i think they did reformulate the product line this year. paraben free and some other twists. I have yet to try their aftershave. for me it's pricey at $13 because I need two bottles (work and home). is it that good? does it linger? how do the ladies like it?
I'm married and my wife likes it - one of the few she likes. Like Kpeople said, it doesn't linger.
Did the scent or amount of menthol change with the reformulation?