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Old Spice reminds me of.


I’m stumped
....my father. Old Spice was his only AS he ever used.
I have until today stayed away from using it, thinking it as his AS and did not care to smell like my old man (not that I did not like the smell).
It had made a return to the shelf of my local supermarket, so for a trip down memory lane I picked up a bottle.
Got home and washed off my current AS and applied the old spice. Got me thinking, would the old man like the new classic version. I am sure he would adjust if he could not get the original.
This stuff sure brings back memories for me.
I picked up a vintage lighthouse decanter filled with the original Old Spice from (I think) the 70s. I also have a bottle of the new P&G Old Spice and I was blown away by the original. It was so much stronger and had more body and depth. My father also used to wear Old Spice and that was my favorite. Now that I'm a dad, I think I'm going to wear it more often. Although the P&G stuff is just so much lighter. I suppose it's just a sign of the times as people are more conscious about offending others in the workplace with strong scents.
Never liked Oldspice but have gotten ito it latley $old spice.jpg
Reminds me of my grandad, he still wears it today. Must have used the same AS since he was a teen now he is in his mid 70's. now thats dedication.
I wear it every so often and it instantly makes me think of him.
Old spice reminds me of......... VOMIT!

Many years ago when I was around 16 I went to a new years party and consumed more alcohol in one night than I have during the whole of the 31 years that came after! (perhaps that is why!) boy was I ill.. probably had alcohol poisoning and should have been in hospital but I was young and foolish!

I redecorated my bedroom many, many times that night and eventually, still hardly able to stand up, thought I had better try and clean up and hide my misadventure from my parents (yeah right!) so... after removing as much of the physical evidence as I could I thought it would be a sound idea to empty the entire contents of a bottle of old spice over the offending areas of my bedroom carpet (pretty much all of it!) As you can imagine... my plan didn't work! Suffice to say though, all I can smell when I get a whiff of Old Spice, even now, 31 years on, is vomit! (which is a real shame 'cos I liked it before that point!!!)
I found a bottle of both the old and new Old Spice formulations tucked away in a closet a few months ago. I think they may have been there since college. While I really like the overall scent, it is much stronger than what I would like an AS to be. I have also noticed a difference in the formulations, with my preference being for the older scent.

StuMcB - I have never seen the "Champion" and "Whitewater" versions that you show. Could you tell us more about them?
My wife's grandfather. For years a new bottle of after shave and some shave soap was all he would allow us to buy him for Christmas. At the time I thought how old fashioned he was still shaving with a DE razor, brush and OS soap. Looking back, I wish I had the soap and well used brush and razor. When I recently took up DE shaving the first thing SWMBO said was "I wonder what happened to Papaw's brush?"
Growing up. I use to buy my older brother Old Spice for Christmas. I remember buying the scrimshaw for him.
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