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"Old people smell" solved

Older people start producing more of a hormone called "nonenol" (hope I got that right) at a much higher rate than younger folks, and their clothes will accumulate that smell. I discovered it when I inherited a couple of Dad's suits and couldn't figure out where that slightly off smell was coming from-it was from his clothes. Dad religiously showered daily, so it wasn't that.

Now that I'm 70, I have the same thing. It's easy to get rid of it. The Japanese make a soap with persimmon and green tea; the brand I have is Pelican, and it can be found on Amazon. Their company web site is ペリカン石鹸|石鹸製造に携わり半世紀。私たちだからできる製品をお届けします。 - http://www.pelicansoap.co.jp.

A better solution, I think, is Duke Cannon's "Big Ol' Brick of Hunting Soap, Scent Eliminator. If you use that and an unscented antiperspirant/deodorant like Arm and Hammer's version, you can go a week between showers without having any body odor unless you sweat a lot. I shower every 1-2 days if I can, but I've been laid up with back problems where showing is an ordeal as that causes balance problems, so I'm grateful for the ability to skip the days I hurt a lot. As haw been said here before, if you can't shower then at least put clean clothes on, that's where the stinky bacteria grow fastest, especially of their sweaty. it's a good trick not only for hunters, but also those who run or work out at a gym or have hard physical jobs that don't necessarily get them dirty.

I'm not promoting slovenly behavior, but this might be of help to some members here.

Here's a Wiki page on the topic: Old person smell - Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_person_smell


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
The freedom to soil yourself whenever you like is one of the great privileges of being retired. I’ve often thought about doing it as a way to express disapproval of a person or what they are saying. I think it makes a statement and is not easy to ignore.
This will ALSO make it difficult for your loved ones (?) to place you in an old folks home.

I speak from experience my friend.

Us old folks need every tool in our toolbox ya know!
The term "Old People Smell" always takes me to a core memory. My mom used to sort though donated clothes for the Salvation Army. My siblings and I often had to accompany her because we were young (I was probably 4). It was a warehouse with a mountain of old clothes. Another scent that takes me back there is forklift exhaust. Funny how smells take us back to certain places and times. Anytime I am in a Goodwill or any thrift store I am instantly taken back there....
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