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OK saw the video; want a straight razor now what in #**#$* should I buy??

I am somewhat practical in that I will buy something well made and stick with it. So I would like to stay in that realm with my straight razor. I won’t a razor a well made high quality offering that is the best without the because there were only 500 made thing. Or that it has handles made from a mermaids but thing. Quite simply I want a get down to business best blade great handle straight razor to shave with.
I went over to e-bay and I felt like a baby in the middle of rush hour traffic. There was a gazillion straight razors in a gazillion shapes and sizes. I do like vintage things; I think things were made with pride in the day but this aside. Could someone help me I shave around a beard and mustache what fits my needs and criteria? Any help would be great.

Thanks for the where to buy info I will try and take advantage of our member resources. But now that I have a where to buy I need a what to buy. What Razor fits the description now underlined above and what size or shape do I need for the also underlined. Please remember I don't know a thing about straight razors and I can't afford to keep buying until I get it right. Thanks for all your input.
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I'd suggest staying away from eBay. Go to one of the honemeister's (pick one that hits your fancy - PM me for my favorite) webpages instead!
If you just gotta have new, DOVO or TI or Revisor...
Or that it has handles made from a mermaids but thing.

best line I have seen in a while
thanks for that, lol

and like the others have said, watch the BST for shave readies, the brothers (and sisters) here, will do you well.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Buy a shave-ready razor from the BST on this site.


That's what I would do

You also need a strop, which should be easy to find.

If you want to get a 1-package-deal type thing, Ruprazor sells the razor + strop...
B/S/T is a good source, but even there you'll find sometimes too many choices and not enough guidance.

Try this instead (or in addition): Go to one of the few excellent vendors who sell NEW, SHAVE-READY straights and see if any of them appeal to you. The vendors I think have the best selection are www.vintagebladesllc.com, www.classicshaving.com and www.straightrazordesigns.com. You're going to find two main brands for sale these days -- Dovo and Thiers Issard. Both of them are excellent, excellent choices. My first SR razor was a Thiers Le Grelot from Classic Shaving, and I now own around 50 of them, but the Thiers is still one of my favorites, and I continue to use it every third or fourth day, no matter what else I've purchased in the meantime.

Also, it's admirable to say that you are going to buy just one good SR razor and stick with it, but just be forewarned that, because of the nature of SR shaving, you're going to probably end up with at least two or three blades, even in the beginning. The reason is that you won't have enough experience at first to sharpen the blade yourself, and so you'll want to have at least one or possibly two 'extra' razors on hand for when you send a razor back to be resharpened. You'll only need to go through this sharpening process once every few months, but it's good to have a backup blade or two to use while one of your razors is out. Also, you might find that by trying two or three different blades, you'll find out what sort of blade size and grind are the most comfortable for you. Don't laugh, but for all of the talk about various brands that you read here, the thing that REALLY makes a difference when you are using the razor is the SIZE of the blade (5/8, 6/8, 7/8 or larger) and the grind (wedge, 1/4 hollow, 3/4 hollow, full hollow).

Good luck!
I can't afford to keep buying until I get it right.

Why should you be exempt?

Seriously though, there is no answer as finding the right blade is just not as easy as someone else telling you what to buy.

That's what I would do

You also need a strop, which should be easy to find.

If you want to get a 1-package-deal type thing, Ruprazor sells the razor + strop...

+1 re BST, Ruprazor, or any of the usual B&B vendors. You are going to save money going with something vintage or say Gold Dollar over something like Dovo or TI.

For starting out, I would say something in 5/8 or 6/8, 3/4 to full hollow grind, with something other than a spike point. Like the video says, you do not need a heavy razor for a heavy beard. 5/8 or 6/8 is pretty much medium size, full hollow gives better feedback and is easier to keep and keep sharp, and a more rounded point will probably save you--or even me--some blood.
I'll just echo what's already been said - get the razor + Filly strop kit that ruprazor sells. Its an inexpensive starter set, but comes shave-ready from a pro. Or, get a shave-ready straight from BST, and get the Filly strop. To begin with, you will need to learn to keep your razor shave ready, and will eventually need to to send it out for re-honing, at which point will require a 2nd razor.

The ruprazor combo will also give you an inexpensive razor to learn to hone on, if you decide to get into honing.
And be prepared to have horrible shaves for a long time, then gradually get better. Expect it to take several months at least before you start being satisfied with the overall results, maybe even a year. You have to mentally be ready to commit to the process.
You should go for any one of these Dovos http://www.straightrazordesigns.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=44&zenid=8c4b05c804f876219af1186cee469a6b (The bottom four, or even the Dovo Faux Tortoise one), they have all gotten great reviews, and are great razors for their cost, they're all carbon steel, and full hollow, which is what most razors are. Make sure to get a strop as well, you may want to make your own, or get the Filly strop from Rup Razor and then get a better one further along.
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