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Odd Super Speed W2 Metal Black Tip Design Part Two.

a While back i found this Odd Super Speed It had a Metal TTO in Silver color as appose to the Plastic Black Super Speed Tip. Here is the Thread http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/310323-Odd-Super-Speed-Pics-For-Comparison?highlight=

Well the other day i was looking at an auction on Ebay, and it first appeared to be a Dirty Dusty Black Tip, But upon Further inspection I Realized it looked the the Odd Silver Metal TTO Super Speed So i decided to Email the seller to confirm it, and Seller Confirmed my Suspicion it was Metal and Silver in Color, So i Bought it home :eek:) here is the Sellers Pics.

I Will Also post pics of it With my other Odd Super Speed that came cased. Both are W2 Models.


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Both Odd Silver Tip Super Speed Shown Together, Pics or it didn't happen Right guys ?


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I remember that thread...I thought we came to a consensus?:lol:
We Did, just wanted to Display it, Since i was suppose to have had Number 5 of these razors seeing so far, just letting everyone know here is the Number 6 :eek:)

I know exactly what it is, This is why so many may have missed it and thought it was just a regular super speed.
We Did, just wanted to Display it, Since i was suppose to have had Number 5 of these razors seeing so far, just letting everyone know here is the Number 6 :eek:)

I know exactly what it is, This is why so many may have missed it and thought it was just a regular super speed.
I remember you saying that u had # 5, and now #6.....so do u plan on buying as many that you find?
I remember you saying that u had # 5, and now #6.....so do u plan on buying as many that you find?
Nahh not really, its just not a common super speed and i dare to call it rare since only now 6 are known in Exsistance so i fugured as a collector i would pick it up, i can use it as a bargaining tool in a trade because of it not being so common. But no i wont be picking up anymore but rare ones are a great bargganing tool when trading :eek:) or even better idea, It make an excellent gift to another collector :thumbup:

Alex are you Stalking me ? :lol:

Uncle Jim, help me please :thumbup1:
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Nahh not really, its just not a common super speed and i dare to call it rare since only now 6 are known in Exsistance so i fugured as a collector i would pick it up, i can use it as a bargaining tool in a trade because of it not being so common. But no i wont be picking up anymore but rare ones are a great bargganing tool when trading :eek:) or even better idea, It make an excellent gift to another collector :thumbup:

Alex are you Stalking me ? :lol:

Uncle Jim, help me please :thumbup1:
Not Stalking, but I do remember that thread that you had about this same razor.You said u had 5...and now 6:biggrin1:
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