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not really an Aristocrat Junior

Amazing this non-Junior went for so much on Ebay.com. Item # 290406974982. Hope the new owner is not among us connoisseurs who know better.
I really don't think the diamond shape is the design for a true Junior. The shape, balance, and weight is so different with the solid plate -- the shave ideal -- that other design must be a Super Speed or other Rocket. Not a Junior, regardless what these other sites or Ebay sellers claim.
Actually a Rocket in a Jr case? I probably wouldn't have spotted that if you hadn't mentioned it. Good thing I wasn't bidding.
Def a Rocket, and a nice one at that.

I considered sending him a PM, but I have given up on setting people straight.
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Here is another diamond "Rocket Style" Aristocrat Jr from Achim's site:

http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierer/One-Piece solid guard bar/1950s Aristocrat Jr.Rocket style.jpg

But like you said it's hard to know without feeling the weight and heft of the Jr. in question.

found this one as well:

Interesting, I could understand one being mislabeled/misboxed, but two? The plot thickens.
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