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nicked myself

just a month in and nicked myself on the base of lower lip.i was a bit careless my fault completely.no styptic pencil and it just would not stop bleeding.learned a valuable lesson today! regards tony
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Lip cuts really hurt, especially if you are using a shavette like I did. I'd try to give it a few days before you shave again because it'll be really sore.
just a month in and nicked myself on the base of lower lip.i was a bit careless my fault completely.no styptic pencil and it just would not stop bleeding.learned a valuable lesson today! regards tony

Did that about a month ago...just being careless. Took a good bit of work with the alum to get it stopped (I don't have a styptic). Your attention when shaving that area for a while will be impressive!

Don't get discouraged though...it happens. The folks around here who say they have never, ever nicked themselves in 30 years are also 12 feet tall and bulletproof.
For whatever reason, that made me laugh a ton!

OP, I was using a single edge about a month ago. I rinsed off the first path and found 5-6 vertical cuts that were opening wider by the moment. Turns out the blade had a noticeable burr on it, I was essentially shaving with a pointed blade. I make sure to check them all visually now, being careful usually avoids shave wounds.
Sorry to hear about the lip nick, they do hurt and are sensitive when healing. It happens to us all so don't feel bad, just watch your technique and little to no pressure. Happy shaves!
I'm tending to one nice little vertical slash just in front of my left ear that came from not the edge of the blade but a burr on the side of the blade.
I've not gotten many bad nicks since the switch to DE(mainly weepers)but that may be due to being extremely careful when shaving thanks to a moment of carelessness with a triple blade disposable.
That triple blade maybe a "better" idea but if you screwed the pooch with one the nick was three times worse.
That triple blade maybe a "better" idea but if you screwed the pooch with one the nick was three times worse.

And four times worse with the Schick Quattro I used before I started with my DE. I can only imagine what I might've done to myself with five blades.

There is a good reason I call myself "Nick Danger".

We do learn from our mistakes, especially in shaving. Its good that the cuts are usually so sharp and clean that they heal with leaving a mark.
Just remember, there are only two types of shavers out there....
1. Those who have nicked/cut themselves.
2. Those who are going to...
The first time I cut myself shaving as a teenager was on my upper lip. I was in a hurry. Back then I shaved with a cheap brush and cheap soap in a cheap mug with a yellow bic disposable (I just remembered this, actually. cool!)

Of course, this was right before a date. The blood would. not. stop. Tons of it! And then it scabbed over the next day and the scab lasted for weeks...
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