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Nib issues.

So I got my first FP and while writing it will stop laying down ink all tho there is still ink in the converter. The converter also is pretty loose when there is no ink in it, and leaks a little back into the pen when there is ink in it. Did I just get a completely crap pen?

Boaer 388/noodlers 5 o'clock shadow
Did you flush the pen before the first fill? If you did not, you might want to flush with slightly soapy, cool water to clean out any manufacturing residue. If you did, can you please explain the "leaks a little back into the pen"?
If the converter isn't seated well it may be the cause of your ink flow problem. Some of the ink is being diverted away from the section/feed. Anyway to twist or tighten the converter? Can you see if the nipple in the section is in good shape?
There's a bad seal in there somewhere...

Right off the bat worked well, then after a bit of writing it stopped working (unless I flipped the nib under) i put it back in my pocket and waited a few minutes tried again and it worked again. I was writing pretty quickly and alot, page front and back. It doesn't seem to be leaking back into the pen anymore tho.
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