Am new to DE shaving and would like to post some thoughts. First of all before I started I read comments and reviews to help me decide how to start out. The first thing I gathered was I might sever and artery if I didn't take the utmost care. While taking your time and using the equipment with the respect it deserves is absolutely the right thing to do, it certainly was not the terrifying event I imagined. DE shaving is not something to be in a big hurry about. If taking your time and patience is not you, then this may not be for you either. I decided on a Weishi razor to start out with mainly because It is very mild and once again cutting my head off seemed to be a concern. First to the classic review of I wouldn't **** on a Weishi if it was on fire. Highly unfair comment. Is this a fine piece of equipment? No. Is it junk? No. My issue is that it is mild, too mild. If you have an average to heavy beard go to something better and slightly more aggressive. My experience is that the Red Personna and Derby are very forgiving blades, not bad choices to start out with before trying sharper blades. I have a Lijun Badger brush that I like very much. I bought a puck of Van Der Hagen glycerin because it is easily available at many stores, around me anyway. Stuff lathers very easily even in somewhat hard water, very slick and protective. At only 2 bucks you could spend a lot more and do a lot worse. I am now in the process of getting some DR Harris soap and a Merkur 34c. In conclusion I will say DE shaving has made shaving enjoyable again. It is very much a hobby instead of a chore if that makes sense to any of you. It is not something to be rushed, take your time and enjoy the ritual. Start out with a medium aggressive razor you can grow with, get a large assortment of blades to find what is best for YOU. Happy shaving.