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New shaving regime

Over the last two months or so I decided to instate a kind of rotation schedule for all the razors, soaps, creams, blades and aftershaves. Instead of a daily decision of what to grab from the cabinet, I now prepare a set of items to use for the next two weeks. I allow myself to incidentally change one item but the basic range stays.

It saves time and a lot of cluttering in the bathroom. This is a also great way to really use some product and get to now the performance of some. There is a great saying going "consistency equals accuracy and accuracy equals consistancy", this seems to apply really well here. Accuracy meaning a satisfying shave of course...

Anyone else using a kind of schedule?
Couldn't resist: http://despair.com/consistency.html


I have this one hanging in my office at work.
I have moved out to a 3 to 4 week rotation to really get to know my kit. I find it takes several shaves to lock into best practice with the set up. If I change too often, I get OK shaves instead of good ones.
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