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New score, Burgvogel Solingen straight

They have a bunch of vendors from all over Europe on base for the next few days selling various goods in a bazaar style format. One of the guys from Germany was selling all sorts of various German cutlery items. I asked if he had any straight razors. He nodded slowly with that one of those "Good man" type smiles. He pulled a case from a small box hidden away under a table and removed two razor cases. He had one black and one white pearl. At first glance they looked like Dovos but the blade was marked as Burgvogel. I asked him about it and he said that most Dovos are made at other factories in Solingen such as the Burgvogel factory.

I was intrigued and set off to do some research. I found nothing at all about Burgvogel straights, only about their knives. I said screw it and picked up the white pearl anyway. It seems to be a decent build but the work on the pins could have been a little better. Either way for what I paid, it's awesome!

i have that ones twin, but not identical twin. the only difference i see is in the small print between the first class in gold. mine says "ORIGINAL SOLINGEN" in the little placard. the rest is the same AFAIK. i cannot see the back side of the tang but mine says; SOLINGEN MADE IN GERMANY. they are pretty ladies and in stainless too!!
This looks like one of those purchases where you have doubts about pulling the trigger at the time, but would regret later if you hadn't. Do you have other stainless razors?
I had a World Cutlery that could have passed as the same razor. Had the "First Class" on the blade but was marked "World Cutlery" on the tang. It was comparable to a Dovo Best imo.
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