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new lathering method

I usually whip up my shave lather in a mug but today I was lazy and tried something different. I squeezed a dollop of Proraso right onto the brush, that was after I had soaked the brush squeezed and shook out the excess water. Then I pushed the cream into the bristles and dipped the tips of the brush in hot water. Shook out a few drops and proceeded to face lather. The lather was perfect, definitley the best lather and fastest lather that I have used. I got a great quick shave with no irritation. I think I am going to continue doing this.

Just thought I would share.
I have started to do something similar myself with great results. After soaking the brush properly, I leave the brush very wet (just let some of the water drip out) and put a squeeze of Proraso right onto the brush and then go immediately to lathering up my face. After spreading it around a bit, I will dip the brush in a lil bit more water and before I know it I have more slick lather than I know what to do with!

Previously I have tried using a bowl but I find that this gives me a much better lather.
I have made a similar discovery myself. I do not soak the brush at all. If I use a cream, I simply plop a dollop on there or wipe a little out of the jar. I next dunk the brush into the sink of water. I let it drip out, give it a shake and then face lather. I might dip the brush a little if I think I need more water. I get awesome lather this way and it's really quick! For soap I do the same thing except I wet the soap with hot water, just enough to coat the puck. After letting it sit for a minute I go at it with the dry brush and follow the same procedure. Works like a charm!
Interesting! Out of all the material/posts that I've read on lathering, on the face is supposed to be the longest and less desired (on average). Good to hear you're having great results.

Recently I've been going pretty dry on the brush and slowly adding water to my mug to create my lather (with prosaro cream). But it seems that when I just get my brush loaded my lather sort of just stops in the mug, so I go to my face to finish...I too end up with an excellent lather by working it around my face! Much better than what is in my mug.
I prepare my lather in the mug, load the brush and keep a finger bowl full of hot water on the side I rest my razor head in the finger bowl's hot water while lathering and if I need to adjust the lather I dip my brush in the finger bowl as I know the water is clean and hot and work it on my face.
Ive tried face lathering and get a good lather for the first pass...but not second or third...guess I should try adding more soap after each pass?
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Ive tried face lathering and get a good lather for the first pass...but not sexond or third...guess I should try adding more soap after each pass?

you might need to start with more product on the brush - what brush are you using?

ive been facelathering since I dropped my lather bowl and it smashed into a million pieces - im glad I did, too. Face lathering rules!
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