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Need Help with Fatboy Display

Right Guys, i need your help, i have a mint F 4 Fatboy and Case, that i want to have as a Display piece in my collection, the only thing i don't have is a set of blades to go with it...i am wanting a set that would have come with a fatboy in 1960.

if anybody has an UNOPENED pack of these Blades, would they be willing to do a swap for some packs of NOS "swedes" and some NOS Gillette Bleue Extras ? or just cash if you like, i know most of you guys are into display razors, but i think it's worth a try

Achim has kindly said that these are the blades i need:
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Come on guys share the love :biggrin:
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when you have a look on my instruction site (http://www.mr-razor.com/Anleitungen/Gebrausanleitungen.htm), you can find the right blades for some razors like this Fat Boy instruction from 1959:


the other way is to look on my blade site (http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierklingen/Rasierklingen.htm) for the right blades/year combination, here from 1960:


PS: the blades in the first pic (british FatBoy set 1960) are wrong. These are German Super Blue Blades, right are british Blue Gillette Blades Extra. Here is the instruction from this set:

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Thanks Achim, appreciate your help on this, if anybody has any of the above blades that Achim has pointed out, then please let me know

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