I am about to order my first straight razor setup and have what it probably a stupid question (but I couldn't really find a thread that cleared this up for me). I was wondering whether you need to have both pasted strops and a set of hones at once?
Can you just use your hanging strop and a certain grit stone for maintenance? I thought that if I purchased the hanging strop and a 8000 grit stone (maybe the Norton 4k/8k combo?) that those could be used for maintenance and I could later purchase the lower grit stones for actual honing.
Thanks for your time, effort and insight,
Can you just use your hanging strop and a certain grit stone for maintenance? I thought that if I purchased the hanging strop and a 8000 grit stone (maybe the Norton 4k/8k combo?) that those could be used for maintenance and I could later purchase the lower grit stones for actual honing.
Thanks for your time, effort and insight,