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Natural rwemedy for moles, warts, and skin tags?

After getting out of the shower and ensuring your skin is completely dry, tear off a piece of duct tape large enough to cover the wart and surrounding area. Leave the tape on until you bathe the next day, then throw it away. After being covered up all day, the wart will look white, and feel soft. The white skin should feel soft, and is essentially "dead skin" now. You can get rid of this a number of ways (finger nail clipper, cuticle scissor, callus file, etc). Cut or file away the dead skin, and reapply the duct tape.
As for skin tags on other parts of the body, like the neck or armpit area where I've had a couple, I just roll the tag between my fingers until I feel it pinch. Then leave it alone. Next day roll it a bit more until you again feel it pinch. After doing this for several days the tag will just come right off in your fingers. A doc. told me doing that was O.K., I've done this several times without any problems or marks left after the tag has come off.
What are Skin Tags?
Skin tags are small extra growths on the skin that are benign (not harmful) in nature, attached to the exterior part of the skin by a thin stalk.
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