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Nasty Ingredients!!! Beware!!!

Van, I mean no disrespect, as I know you were just pointing something out to us in the interest of our safety. But this website sounds a lot like "The Center for Science in the Public Interest" in the here in States. Scaremongering to strike back at major corporations is the name of their game. Yes, nearly everything is bad for us if not used/consumed in moderation. But these people aren't looking out for you, they are looking out for their political agenda.

Just my $ .02
I think if a person looks hard enough, there is a study showing everything we humans use topically or ingest is bad for us. Coffee, diet coke, artificial color or flavors in foods, salt. Wasn't it blue M&M's that were harmful for a time?

How toxic is lye........... but it turns fats into wonderful soaps. And what about those fats? How good are they for you? You wouldn't shower in coconut oil or lye but mixed and used a month later it's a great bar of soap.

Parabens? Some products need the protection parabens and/or other antimicrobrials provide from bacteria and other critters that will really make you ill.

How about our food? Many of the "natural" fertililizers are manure based. What's manure? Does you body know the differnce between the chemically grown or the manure grown potatos? How did some of us determine food grown in animal waste is better for us? Because it's natural? Hey it is what it is.

What would happen if we sliced that potato thin an rubbed a slice on our face every day for two weeks. If it were me, I'd issue a warning. I can't peel potatos except under constant running water or my hands itch miserably for hours.

I would be more concerned that the waitress or waiter serving my dinner washed his or her hands.

If a product produces a reaction just don't use it. To me this article has a flair of 'Chicken Little'.

I think common sense should prevail.

Well said, St. Sue.
I think if a person looks hard enough, there is a study showing everything we humans use topically or ingest is bad for us. Coffee, diet coke, artificial color or flavors in foods, salt. Wasn't it blue M&M's that were harmful for a time?

How toxic is lye........... but it turns fats into wonderful soaps. And what about those fats? How good are they for you? You wouldn't shower in coconut oil or lye but mixed and used a month later it's a great bar of soap.

Parabens? Some products need the protection parabens and/or other antimicrobrials provide from bacteria and other critters that will really make you ill.

How about our food? Many of the "natural" fertililizers are manure based. What's manure? Does you body know the differnce between the chemically grown or the manure grown potatos? How did some of us determine food grown in animal waste is better for us? Because it's natural? Hey it is what it is.

What would happen if we sliced that potato thin an rubbed a slice on our face every day for two weeks. If it were me, I'd issue a warning. I can't peel potatos except under constant running water or my hands itch miserably for hours.

I would be more concerned that the waitress or waiter serving my dinner washed his or her hands.

If a product produces a reaction just don't use it. To me this article has a flair of 'Chicken Little'.

I think common sense should prevail.

This is what I was trying to say earlier. Saint Sue, you did the job far more eloquently than I was able! :cool:
Studies have shown that if you feed lab rats too much of anything, they will die:001_tongu

Seriously though, water, in excessive amounts, will kill you. Alcohol in excessive amounts will kill you. Aspirin in excessive amounts will kill you. Fat in excessive amounts will kill you. Oxygen in excessive amounts will kill you. Nicotine in excessive amounts will kill you. Caffeine in excessive amounts will kill you. Heavy metals in excessive amounts will kill you. The list could go on and on, and could include such things as driving at excessive speed, jumping from excessive height, excessive dieting, etc. etc. The point is that the human body is pretty flexible and can handle most things if the dosage is right.
Just remembered something to regarding this that Orest's comment reminded me of.

Without knowing the exact process that was used to determine the toxicity of these products, it is difficult to draw firm conclusions. I remember several years back a study was done that said asprine (I believe it was asprine, I may be wrong but it was some OTC drug) was very toxic. It was reported on in the news and created a bit of a scare. It turns out later that the study had been giving rats/mice the drug in quantities of something like 80% of their body weight.

Yeah, medical studies are frequently a bit suspect and it often takes an expert unfortunately to decipher the legit ones from the ones that make claims based on bad science.
Studies have shown that too much worry isn't healthy. Worry raises your blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure you should watch your salt intake. Why aren't there warnings on the pepper shakers? Warning: May contain Aspergillis Bacterium. The warning police missed that one.

I think we as a society have gone way overboard on issuing warnings. An ominous black cloud over everything we eat, do or use.

I once bought a curling iron that had a warning label which inlcuded this instruction: "DO NOT use while sleeping." I kid you not. Hello? I thought about sending it to Jay Leno for his Monday night skit.

Do we really need to be told not to stick an unfolded paper clip into an electrical socket or quit using something that turns our skin red or eating something that upsets our stomach?

I remember when one of my sons was about nine and he and his buddy's were sledding a hill behind our house. At the bottom were a few scattered trees. After awhile the sledding didn't have enough fun so they rode them down sitting backwards. Backwards turned into backwards with their eyes closed. My boy came home after he connected with one of the trees and his hand wasn't lined up with his arm.

When sledding time came around again I never felt the need to insult him with a warning to not sled backwards with his eyes closed.

I think I will make some brownies for the Grandkids to have with a cup of hot cocoa when they come over this afternoon. I hope I can remember not to stick my head in the oven, there isn't a warning on the door.

I remember reading somewhere a few years ago that, if the food safety mob were around years ago, potatoes, tomatoes and rhubarb would be banned as parts of the plants are toxic! (potatoes and tomatoes are related I think anyway)

The Americans are trying to poison us Brits! (apart from the rhubarb, which is my favourite vegetables pretending to be a fruit!)

I think I will make some brownies for the Grandkids to have with a cup of hot cocoa when they come over this afternoon. I hope I can remember not to stick my head in the oven, there isn't a warning on the door.


Fresh baked brownies and hot cocoa! :w00t: Man, I wish I was your grandkid and was visiting today... I have none of that stuff at home. :frown: Your grandchildren are lucky!
I remember reading somewhere a few years ago that, if the food safety mob were around years ago, potatoes, tomatoes and rhubarb would be banned as parts of the plants are toxic! (potatoes and tomatoes are related I think anyway)

The Americans are trying to poison us Brits! (apart from the rhubarb, which is my favourite vegetables pretending to be a fruit!)


Actually for some time tomatoes were in all but name banned. No one ate them because tomatoes are related to nightshade, and so people were afraid the tomatoes were poisonous.
You mean there was a time with no BLT"s? There's never too much bacon.

Oh yeah, bacon has some chemical in it that may cause cancer doesn't it?
Studies have shown that too much worry isn't healthy. Worry raises your blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure you should watch your salt intake. Why aren't there warnings on the pepper shakers? Warning: May contain Aspergillis Bacterium. The warning police missed that one.

I think we as a society have gone way overboard on issuing warnings. An ominous black cloud over everything we eat, do or use.

I once bought a curling iron that had a warning label which inlcuded this instruction: "DO NOT use while sleeping." I kid you not. Hello? I thought about sending it to Jay Leno for his Monday night skit.


Thats just too funny Sue ! Hilarious ......

Im actually thinking of starting a thread about the SLS 's ! I received a very very indepth reply from Sue on the different SLS's out there! you have the bad and the good once but most of us just remember it as an evil the industry uses to create cheap foaming experiences with Shampoo's and Tooth paste.

Sue kinda opened my eyes.. anyways not to Hi-jack..the thread.

it also has to do with being over protective. we have been so protective the last few centuries that our natural defense system aint what it used to be but then again back then we didnt have those products either..
The point is that the human body is pretty flexible and can handle most things if the dosage is right.

Pretty much. That dosage bit is the rub, though, eh? Cyanide will kill you too, in excessive amounts. Just the dosage for that and those heavy metals is a lot different than for water.

There is, in all fairness another question besides dosage with everything. Two, accually. One is whether it bioaccululates. I mean, it is one thing is you ingest or expose yourself below the toxic level, and then it washes out of your system or breaks down over time. It is another thing if it just keeps building up in your system. And/or that of things you eat.

The other issue, is chronic exposure effects. These are bloody hard to quantify. This is the problem, of course, with most carcinogens. Takes a lot to kill you at once, but repeated exposure to a little at a time is might kill you eventually. But you will probably never know for sure if it was really that or not.

Generally I think Sue it right.

But there is some happy medium. I'm not sure just saying "don't worry about it" with regard to everything is a good plan. There is some point where the likelihood of a negative impact becomes high enough to make it worth, if not worrying about, at least paying attention to.

LOL, we could start a thread of our own rediculous warning labels.
For cordoroy pants.....
WARNING: If you have fat thighs don't run or walk too fast, you may catch on fire.
Sue (I think I need sleep :)
there actually isn't any proven link between aluminum exposure and alzheimer's... and studies are now proving that it's actually quite unlikely that there is a relationship between the two.

listerine's alcohol content is less than the american dental association study that indicated an increased risk of mouth and throat cancers. if it concerns you, use something like crest pro health that has no alcohol.

also, the saccharin-cancer in rats study basically loaded the rats with more saccharin that it's practical to ingest in a day. additionally, the study's results of cancer in rats were NOT statistically significant... other subsequent studies failed to demonstrate a correlation between saccharin and cancer in rats. (there were actually more studies demonstrating NO cancer than there were pro-cancer) regardless, there has never been a study that showed a tie between saccharin and bladder cancer in humans. this fact led to the removal of the label of carcinogenic.

though i still buy organic when i can, there are actually studies that have demonstrated no additional nutitional, quality or health benefit to organic foods. the only thing that they're higher in is cost (and fertilizer residue, if you know what i mean). but to me they taste better and i'd rather have a little "fertilizer residue" that a chemical coat on everything i eat.

anyway, take everything you read with a grain of salt. most of the medical claims out there in the public are not actually medical. they're consumer groups without true, well-done clinical studies to back up their data.

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