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My skin now looks healthier

I have tried both. I'm still undecided. While hot water is generally bad for skin, using warm water (around body temperature) might offer some benefits in actually shaving the beard hairs without unduely harming the skin's barrier function. Generally, I have no preference as long as the water is not hot.
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It's quite affordable in the Greek market (~8euros for 200ml), the scent dissipates quickly so that it doesn't interfere with any fragrance you might be using and you only need a very small quantity per shave. Provided you don't use too much, it doesn't leave an oily skin after you apply it. It moisturizes well and takes care of any redness after the shave. I've only used the one that @Nicholas mentioned, but there are also 5 more scents available.
The other 5 scents you mentioned don't share the same ingredients list with this one. They are different products, different formulas.
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