I've been there. That's why I lock the door now. Also, because any one of my four kids could bust through said door while I have a straight to my face. I've had one close call. A lesson was learned that day.
Nope, I guess I'm pretty lucky. We have 2 baths, and even though she uses the master all the time, I have my stuff in the one down the hall. No problem though, I have it set up the way I want it so life is pretty good around here.
We have a one bedroom apartment, and the sink portion of the bathroom is joined with the bedroom. Only the shower/toilet has a door to close for any privacy.
For Christmas, I want a separate bathroom.
I am thankful for having two sinks in the master bathroom plus 2 more bathrooms in case the girls are running wild. The downside is the sinks are in the "common" area of the master bedroom so it is hard to get peace and quiet while shaving, the upside is that sometimes my ten year old grabs a shave brush, bowl and unloaded razor and joins in the fun.
The sink is in the middle of the counter in our bathroom, and we have a big mirror that spans about 6 feet. Her side is the left side, mine is the right side.
I shave in the center right above the sink, for obvious reasons.
She was doing something on her left half of the sink and needed to throw something away (our trash is under the sink, right in the middle where I was standing).
So I move to the right half (my half!) and continue shaving. She then needs some floss that is kept in my drawer, so I move back to the middle above the sink and continue my shave.
Guess what happens next? She needs to access the trash to throw away her floss. So I move to the left this time thinking that I could then be out of her way...
I was wrong.
The medicine cabinet is on the left hand side and she immediately needed access to her toothbrush.
Can't a man shave in peace?
Yes. The first time it happened I bluntly told her to get out. Nowadays she gives me the room I need. The fact that I was shaving with a straight at the moment helped to underline the command.